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Beside the AdventureQuest Storyline that contains the major plot of the game, there are other storyes that don't have a major role in the game.

Not-in-game storyes[]

"Hugh and the florist florars"[]

The Evil Monks was a group of monks that were members of the School of Trought in Deren. They made a contamined plants shop, that their superiors closed (other members from the school of trought). The monks secretly re-opened it, and looked like a simply flower shop, and put demonic essences in harmless plants. They created the Seedspiters and the Deadtrees, that planted in the city to chause chaos.

A farmer named Hugh finded them, but the city didn't belived him, so he wanted to cut the plants itself. It was attacked by them and the monks, but his fight with the deadtrees caused chaos, and the authorities come.

Hugh stopped the monks, with proves the moral: Only Hugh can stop florist florars .

"The Fisherman"[]

The water was calm, with small waves. The fisherman sat centered on the seat with an old bamboo, fishing. It were 4 days since he didn't caught anything, just an old rubber boot. The old man didn't remember of how many days he was there, the fish were few, the water was cold, but he didn't care. He was looking at the sky with a big smile on his face . Thit was the life he dreamed of . He closed his eyes, "hypnotized" by the sea's sound, but he opened his eyes and sprunf from his seat, as some water hits his face . He then looked around fanatically, forgetting where he was . He just looked and see only water . But the calm was broken : a ring of water spread across the sea as someone would jump in it . He see that something was moving, and tried to catch it . His bait was nothing more than an old piece of cheese, but he still haved a fighting chance . The creature popped again, this time in front of him . His knees buckled and slumped down of the floor . This fight could he harder than he trought .

The creature's eyes popped out first, 2 large almond shapes, pitch black with a gleam white dotted across it . The creature looked innocent, but what appear to be his tail was merely his hair . The creature talked with him, presenting itself as Nautica , protector of the sea, and all things deep, then asks who is him . The old man presented him as a man that is nearly at his end of his life, that enjoys his pleasure of fishing . Nautica asks him why he fish out of the water, and he answer that he cannot live under the sea . The creature looked to see if were another mens that could hear him, but because he not find another men, he sayed that he is one of the 3 creatures that protect the world ( the clan leaders, now are 7 :one of each element ) . Nautica sayed that together they unite all creatures, to protect their realm . He invite the man at his kingdom, the gift of Nautus, the power to thrive in the sea . The man didn't wait, and become prepared of the transformation, but Nautica warned him that the spell cannot be undone, and can't accept his gift if he accepted another gift, but the man still remain in his position, prepared for transformation . The creature wrapped the man's waist, and dragged him into the dephts . The deeper he sank, the darker the water become, and the more he become to change . He becomed a fish man .

The life as a sea creature was more than a man could hope for . He could travel in the sea, free . The man reached the edges of the water . He regains his memoryes, the sun, colors he forgoted ... He finded place he never been before . He finded a stone lion, witch had surrounded the gates, his jaws closed and prevented anyone from entering . The man circled the tower, until it saw an entrance, full of seaweeds, He cleaned the entrace, and entered ...

He was in a pool, and see a horned lion, and asked him the lion who is . The lion presented itself as the second of three beigns that protect the world ( the clan leaders ), and as Geopetal, lord of the realm, and ask the man who is him . He presents itself as a man at the end of the days, enjoying his pleasure of exploration . Geopetal offered him the gift of geto, the one of exploration . He warn him that his spell cannot he undone, and cannot accept his gift if he accepted another .

The man knowed it was wrong, but accepted the gift . Geopetal transformed him, and the man could travel faster he ever do . He could travel on right, left or back, but was still not satisfied, and wanted to go up . He then see some strange feathered creature that were flying, and become jealous of them . He wanted to trap one and learn their secrets . He climbed on the hightest point, the tower, and see a large bird, and he wasted no time .

He asked the bird how he cold follow the bird's ways, the large bird presenting itself as the third of the three beigns that protect the world, and as Aerodu, lord of the skyes . He invited the man to his realm, and he gladly accepts . Aerodu says he could give him the gift of the flight, that cannot be undone, and ... (... he cannot accept his gift if he accepted another), but Aerodu couldn't end his lines, because the man brutally intrerupts it, saying he knows, and ordered Aerodu to give him wings . The man was transformed by Aerodu, and catched wings, but because he haved all the 3 gifts, he becomed a ghastly creature with an expanding taste for blood . The man flyed, searching for more power, and consuming innocent creatures .

The clan leaders go back to their thrones, and didn't knowed what they done ...

"The'Galin on the world of Lore"[]

The'Galin was a beautiful and gentle man, that lived on the Continent of Ilihar, in Tjeli, tormented by his innability and weakness to save others . When his villiage was nearly destroyed, he marked an orphanage to help homeless children's . Lorithia loved him, but The'Galin was disconforted by creation . He founded an Silari, called Xilar and trained him as an tool of war .

Xilar marked war between drakel and moglins, he turned the Githari against the land, he turned the elements against each-other .Xilar spreaded the lie that the elemental lord were at war to chause chaos . Xilar tried to make the peoples belive that "creation" is evil, and marked many Brilhado to join him . Xilar send undeads to attack the Temple of Light .He sended the wind dragons to hunt the githari to alone rule the skyes . The Amilani joined The'Galin too . The'Galin haved an great army of undeads, and were outnumbering the Creation so the Drakel hided in their K'elds and never open their gates until the Brilhado falled ...

Xilar separated unity, and marked the races to fight . His actions are called now The Legacy of Xilar .

The Epic Quest[]

Part 1: "Sage Uldor"[]

Walic directs the player Sage Uldor : a wise old blind man . But when he gets there, Uldor is attacked by an undead ribber . The player defeats the ribbers, and saves Uldor . The player was wondering why would the ribbers attack Uldor ?

Part 2:"Red Fog"[]

Sage Uldor directs the player to Darkovia : home of vampires and werewolfs . The player is confronted by the Queen of the vampires, Safiria . If the player is a werewolf, a big group of vampires attack him, and must defeat them in order to procced to the next part, but if not, the player can simply ask her about the Red fog . When he pronounces "red fog" , Safiria disappear, and a red fog comes, and badly hurts the player . Safiria re-appear and teach the player that the red fog is casted when is pronounced, and then she let the player pass .

Part 3:"A Hairy Situation"[]

The player was ready to leave Darkovia, but is confronted by the King of the werewolfs, Wereking . If the player is a vampire, a big group of werewolfs attack him, and must defeat them in order to procced to the next part, but if not, the player can attempt to cast the Red Fog, and make the Wereking vanquish .

Part 4:"Dark Sickness"[]

As the player return to Battleon, he finds Sage Uldor in a bed, and Robina standing before him . She informs the player that Uldor was in Aughortome, and was bitten and poisoned by a sneak . Uldor tryes to tell the player about his vision, that he see the player in Aughortome, but Robina say him to rest . He would die if isn't marked a cure . The player takes some poison sacs, and then goes to the potion maker ...

Part 5:"A big Trouble in the Little Granemor"[]

The player goes to the cursed town of Granemor, to the potion maker : Lucriteria . He gives her the poison sacks, and then she asks the player to go outside . Vampireslayer E comes and asks the player to aid him in a fight against the vampires . The player defeats some vampires with E by its side, and then E leaves, but the player is attacked by a too strong for him zombie, but a huge ribber saves him . Dewlok summoned the ribber to saved the player, and don't left him without gold . Then the player goes to Lucriteria and takes the cure .

Part 6:"The Vision"[]

As Uldor is cured, the player attempt to make him a visit . Uldor sayed that Warlic gived him a crystal ball to show his vision . The player then wakes-up in Aurghotome, and sees a Death Roller, a secret weapon of the drakel, thiefed by general Bour, general of the orcs . The player defeat his dummies (orcs), but then waked-up to Uldor . Uldor informed him that he fighted some material vision, to prepare him for the real fight .

Part 7:"Dragonstone"[]

The player goes to Dragonstone, where is meeted by Galanoth, and togheder they raid the orc camp . The Death Roller enters the scene, and kills General Bour . The player destroy the Roller, and then he returns home .

Part 8:"Into Fangmaw"[]

The player expected to meet Sage Uldor, but finds Halenro, that informs him Sage Uldor expects the player at Mount Eigerbuld, and Aquella went with him . Uldor asked Halenro to direct the player to Artix, into Fangmaw, the place where the paladin Dagen Purmarrow finded an entire villiage of vampire children .

The player meets Artix, that sayed the ribbers are a different type of undead : they aren't controlled by a necromancer . The ribbers helped him in Granemor, and the undeads under the control of a necromancer don't go to someone other's territory . Artix tracked the ribbers into an abandoned cottage, and the player defeats them, but is confronted by a giant one . The ribber sayed that they attacked Uldor because they belived he is the shadowmaster , but they were wrong . They were against the shadowmaster because he was purely evil . If the player and him shall meet again, that means that they didn't killed the shadowmaster .

Part 9:"Troll-o-vision"[]

The player goes to Warlic that sees in the mirror that Sage Uldor and Aquella were attacked by the trolls . The player goes there, and fights some trolls and a crystal guard, a troll pet . A troll comes and sayed they that Uldor and Aquella were captured by a "armored man ". Then the troll calls his crystal guard and leaves .

Part 10:"Rougue City"[]

The player goes to Krovesport and asks the locals where if they see a water elf, an old sage and an armored man . After many asked locals, a knight answer, and directed him to the armored man . The armored man was a tank knight, that attacked the player . The knight revealed himself to be a girl, named Dundela . Dundela sended the trolls to PROTECT them . Dundela was Uldor's daughter, and she sended the trolls to protect them because she sensed a mysterious present at Mount Eigerbuld, because Uldor and Aquella where trying to find the shadowmaster . If only Warlic and the player knowed about their location, Dundela suspected that one of them is the shadowmaster, but Uldor wasn't sure . If Dundela feeled his presence, the shadowmaster could watch their every move, or he wanted to feel his presence . Aquella then goed to the Paladins to request their help, and Uldor directs the player to take the orb from a creature named Jagos in the Skaeling Desert, and then to go to Eigerbuld, and keep the darkness at distance .

Part 11:"Sun And Sand"[]

While searching for Jagos and fighting monsters in the process, the player finds a man that haved water from the cyclops . The player meets them to take his own water, but find that they were carying the mini light orb . The player accept a challenge to receive it, and he wins .

Part 12:"Fenris"[]

While the player was going to Mount Eigerbuld, the player finds Sir Tathlin and Mercuria . They were wanting to defeat the Fenris, a great creature that escaped . The player helped them and defeated the Fenris .

Part 13:"Eigerbuld"[]

The player arrives at Mount Eigerbuld, and finds there a shadowdragon named Nith . The dragon asked the player his name, if is scared of him ( the player answering that he is not, but he don't fight without reasons ), and why he carry the orb of light (the player saying that is a long story, but he keeps it to keep toward a powerful force od darkness, but Nith was sure is not working ) . Nith presents itself as a powerful darkness creature and the messager of the shadowmaster, and he would never eat the player, even is hungry . Sage Uldor arrives, and try to force Nith to tell where or who is the shadowmaster . Nith answer that his master knowed Uldor would sense his movements, and he asks to bring him the eye of Naab , Naab the watcher, keeped in Safiria's dungeon . The player asked Uldor why is not working, Uldor saying that the Shadowmaster is not an agent of the darkness realm : he uses it only to hide, and Nith was a creature born in the void, without elements . Nith tryes to live, but Artix comes, and with the aid of the player, they defeat Nith .

Part 14:"Queen of Hearths"[]

The player goed to Darkovia, and meeted Elizabeth, leader of the ninja clan, that puts the player to save her ninja from the undead ninja's wrath . The player recover the ninja army, and assaulted the vampire castle, and killing other vampires, they finded a Gigorex, Naab's personal guard . The player defeats it, and find Naab, that was a very old cyclop . He wasn't captured by Safiria, he was seeking protection from the Safiria, to protect his Eye of Naab . The Eye of Naab was a shield, that Naab sold for a few gold, because Safiria was making him to pay money in order to stay .

Part 15:"The Shadowmaster"[]

The player goes to Uldor, that uses the Eye of Naab . He marked a spell, that could take weeks to reveal the shadowmaster . The player wanted to leave, but suddenly, an earthquake begins . The player fights several monsters, then enters the cave . He finds some ribbers, that was beliving the player was the shadowmaster . The player defeats them, and asked the player if he is the shadowmaster, but Uldor says the Eye would detect . Then the shadowmaster comes :Elpheel ! The creature that was see in Nightbane's castle . Elpheel sayed that he was once evil :"1000 years ago , a master of distruction , the Devourer , arrived , and the drakels hided in Domed Cityes . He fighted The Devourer , and maked him from a human wizard a ugly monster he is now . Elpheel was responsible for killing the ribbers , but now was good ." Elpheel gived the player a gift, that shall glow when the time to stop an agent of the Devourer shall come .
