Level: | 113 |
XP: | 67,300 |
Gold: | 16,660 |
Element: | Earth |
Power: | 2 |
HP: | 3,311 |
MP: | 2,593 |
Combat Defence | |
Melee: | 56 |
Ranged: | 56 |
Magic: | 56 |
Attributes | |
Strength: | 0 |
Dexterity: | 235 |
Intellect: | 235 |
Endurance: | 95 |
Charisma: | 0 |
Luck: | 0 |
Element Modifier | |
Fire: | 50% |
Water: | 50% |
Wind: | 90% |
Ice: | 50% |
Earth: | -50% |
Energy: | 50% |
Light: | 50% |
Darkness: | 50% |
Description | |
No one knows what a Zug is... and that's just the way he likes it! |
There is a chance that the Zug will not attack on his turn.