AdventureQuest Wiki
AdventureQuest Wiki
For Lore. For the ones I love. For Galrick, and for everyone else you have hurt! Ryuusei Cartwright... Robert Twain... I am Beleqwaya Melamin -- NOW PERISH!
Beleqwaya Melamin
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Unity and ArchMagi
Appears in: The Devourer Saga and The Bizarre Flecks Saga
Location: DragonClaw Island

Beleqwaya is an Archmage and traveler of great powers who has no home. He wanders Battleon looking for a number of Spell Components, and will gladly share his treasures for some help in finding them.

He helps with the summoning of Lauren in The Final Battle. He battles and defeats Ryuusei afterwards, but both burst into particles in the process, and were sent into the Deep Void. Fortunately, he regained his form after you ventured into the dangers of the Void.

The ArchMage Research spell, based on Beleqwaya Melamin's research, is mana-based metamagic that “works along the principle of adjusting and rearranging the natural order of mana before it is called forth and structured into a spell.”


The Devourer Saga[]

  1. Beleqwaya's Mission
  2. The Final Battle!
  3. The Restoration

The Bizarre Flecks Saga[]

  1. The Bizarre Flecks Saga: Part II - Meteor Storm

Other Quests/Events[]

  1. Claw Tip Landing
  2. Dense Red Fog: The Tower of Xyphos

