Caelestia is a distant realm from where Falerin Ardendor and Eldron Larethian come.
Therlion the Mad was the original creator of Caelestia. He used his powers to create the plane and shape it to his will, but he did not stock it with life. Afterward, he went to sleep "under a nearby rock" for 99998376 years, 8 months, 12 days, 3 hours, 26 minutes, and 2.706 seconds. Other deities from other worlds expanded their own power by colonizing Caelestia. When Therlion woke, he found the world not to his liking and manifested three Avatars to attempt to balance the world: the Man in White (pure Good), the Man in Black (pure Evil), and the Man in Gray/Red (Balanced).
The Man in Black, Evil and disrespectful of his Creator's wishes, attempted to usurp the Creator's position by causing numerous Caelestian and god wars. At the conclusion, all of the previous Gods of Caelestia were ousted and the Man in Black was imprisoned in a demiplane, as he had gathered too much power to be dismissed.
The world itself was placed under the charge of four Greater Powers: Oxalis, Chrysalia, Aslyn, and Prometheus, who were in charge of Death, Life and Healing, Magic, and Creation and Innovation, respectively.
The extra-dimensional affairs of the world, on the other hand, were placed under the control of the Farpoint, a directive to prevent the influence of extra-Caelestian deities that had mucked up the world to begin with. The Farpoint consisted of Mariel the Hermit, Serian, Falerin Ardendor, and Eldron Larethian, Extra Greater Powers of Chaos, Law, Evil, and Good, respectively.
Finally, Therlion was relegated to the position of Demipower of Diversity.
The Farpoint maintained its power for ages, keeping their enemies in the Prison of Ages (later broken) and tightening the borders of Caelestia so that only those with the Farpoint's permission could enter. Eventually, the borders and other rules (like those prohibiting chronomancy) were relaxed to allow the Good Dhe Ehm to attempt to shape the world for the better.
Known locations include:
- Fair Harbor
- Valoria