AdventureQuest Wiki
AdventureQuest Wiki
Race: Moglin
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None
Appears in: None
Location: Darkovia Forest
Holy webbed snooters!! Did you see those shadows??
—Chico, The Cure

Chico is a brown orange Moglin from a village on the edge of Darkovia Forest whose... was caught up in the conflict between Vampires and Werewolves. After many of his friends were captured, he rushed into Battleon and asked the adventurer for help. From there on out, he and the adventurer traversed throughout Darkovia, rescuing Jemm, Curly, Merigah, Google, and Stinky in the process. They also ran into many vampires and werewolves, including Thrakus and Hragfen, as well as several bats, warriors from both sides, and even a few Alpha Werewolves and lords.

After the war, Chico continued to reside within his village and was usually seen telling the adventurer of upcoming danger or important news.


  1. Moglin Trouble! (First appearance)
  2. Lycans!
  3. War of the Fangs!
  4. The Secret
  5. The Cure

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