Counter-Assassin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
«Scene: Outside Granemor»
General Herous of the fortified town of Granemor has requested your help with a top secret matter...
- See the general!
«The scene zooms in and you enter Granemor. General Herous then meets you in his tower.» General Herous: «You»! Thank you for arriving with such haste. I have a dire need for a hero from outside of the walls of Granemor.
King Herous: Ever since our victory over the organized forces of No Man's Land, various second-tier warlords have been fighting for power.
King Herous: One of them, a mutant named Kragoth, has gathered a sizable fortune and has put out a contract for my life. Luckily, I learned of it through my trusted scouts.
King Herous: My daughter, Maurinelle, has been under heavy guard for the past 3 days to keep her out of harm's way should the assassin who accepted Kragoth's contract strike.
King Herous: I have chosen to keep my own normal guard detail, and wait here for the assassin to make a move. But if you were to seek out the assassin, one of two things will happen:
King Herous: Either he will attack YOU, and you will most surely prevail, or you will flush him out into the open and he will be hurried in making the attempt on MY life. Either way, we will end this soon.
King Herous: Will you help me, hero?
- I will! When do I start?! - Continue the dialogue
- I am sorry, but I am not the right hero for this quest... - Return to Battleon
King Herous: Excellent! The assassin that is after me is somewhere in Granemor. Find him, and let's end this!!
- Search!
«You exit the tower and begin questioning the guards on any clues about the assassin.»
«You»: Greetings once more! Have either of you seen anything suspicious today? Anyone new in town?
Guard 1: You mean, anyone besides you?
Guard 2: Oh yeah-- YOU'RE new in town.
Guard 1: We know about the plot against the general. We are his most loyal guards. If we saw anything, we would tell you. And we haven't yet seen anything or anyone suspicious.
Guard 2: Good luck on your search!
«You can choose to move right, or left from the tower to continue your investigation.»
«If you chose to move right first...»
Level 0-19: Vampire Warrior (5)
Level 20-39: Vampire Warrior(20)
Level 40-59: Vamp (40)
Level 60-79: Vampire Lord (60)
Level 80-89: Elder Vampire (80)
Level 90+: Vampire Lord (90)
Level 0-22: Undead Paladin (6)
Level 23-41: Undead Paladin (23)
Level 42-64: Undead Paladin (42)
Level 65-84: Undead Paladin (65)
Level 85+: Undead Paladin (85)
Level 0-24: Undead Sasquatch (7)
Level 25-42: Undead Sasquatch (25)
Level 42-60: Undead Sasquatch (43)
Level 61-78: Undead Sasquatch (61)
Level 79+: Undead Sasquatch (79)
Full Heal after every battle
«An arrow appears that leads you back to the guards outside Herous' Tower.»
Guard 2: Ah, you again. Now you're less of a stranger! Hehe...
«You»: So, any news?
Guard 1: No, we STILL haven't seen or heard anything suspicious. By the way, I'm Private Puddingshins.
Guard 2: And I'm Private von Schmergenbergen.
«You»: They call me «You». Well, thanks for keeping watch. I'll keep searching...
«You can only choose to move left from the tower now. The dialogue continues below.»
«If you chose to move left first, you will skip all battles and dialogue and proceed straight to Mulb.»
Mulb: How do ye do, friend?
«You»: I'm fine, Mulb. And you?
Mulb: It's a nice dim day, just how I like it! What brings you to this fair pile of stone today?
«You»: I'm on a special mission for the General. Can you let me know if you see anything peculiar today?
Mulb: Peculiar, eh? You mean, like tall green half-ogre barkeeps name Boog? Or short half-elf, half-dwarf stoneworkers like ME?!?
«You»: Oh, well, I didn't mean-- I wasn't making fun of y--
Mulb: Grr-- Get ready to be clobbered by a Dwelf!!
- Fight!
Level 0-25: Mulb (8)
Level 26-43: [[Mulb] (26)
Level 44-68: Mulb (44)
Level 68-87: Mulb (68)
Level 88-107: Mulb (88)
Level 108+: Mulb (108)
Full Heal
Mulb: Alllllllright, thanks fer letting me blow off some steam. Sorry, but I have to stand up fer myself!
Mulb: ............ You'd better not laugh at that.... friend.
«You»: I wouldn't even think about it. So, will you let me know if you see anything that strikes you as a threat to the General?
Mulb: Yer sense of humor maybe. Aye, I'll let you know!
«An arrow appears to allow you to continue proceeding leftwards.»
Sergeant York: Hail, friend. Let us speak in hushed tones... I know your business here.
«You»: Wow, doesn't the General know that the first rule of this kind of mission is 'don't tell everyone'?
Sergeant York: Only I and the tower guards Puddingshins and von Schmergenbergen know. All other soldiers are merely at a heightened state of readiness.
«You»: Readiness is good. So, have you seen anything that might point me in a direction?
Sergeant York: Well, if you're looking for an assassin, then maybe a good place to start is to talk to Granemor's resident creepy guy dressed in black. Actually, there are two of those now.
«You»: Oooooh... right. Morgul in Boog's Tavern and the Stranger that always hangs out in the alley...
«You proceed on to speak to the Stranger.»
Stranger: What're YOU looking at? My sword?
Stranger: This is THE DECAPITATOR. And she's my favorite blade. No one-- and I mean no one-- can touch her. Whoever tries will find themselves missing an important appendage.
«You»: Well hello to you too! I need to know whatever YOU know about... a thing.
Stranger: What makes you think I owe you a favor?
«You»: I don't think you necessarily OWE me one, but--
Stranger: First, you should know that sometimes it is unwise to ask too many questions. But I kind of like you. So I'm going to tell you a secret. Ready?
- ......Yes?
Stranger: I am an ASSASSIN. Don't go telling anyone, now-- or I'll have to ply my trade on YOU.
«You»: Right. So you're an assassin. Are you, shall we say, undertaking a mission of grave importance right now?
Stranger: No. If I was, right now I wouldn't be just standing out in the open like this. I'd be plying the shadows like a darkness serpent navigates the bottom of the sea.
Stranger: Coiling like a spring, readying myself to strike as soon as my prey let itself open and-- «You»: --Mmmkay, great. So let's just say that IF you had to, for example, assassinate the General, where exactly would you be in Granemor RIGHT NOW?
Stranger: Well... I'd be waiting out in the open, as though everything was normal. Listening to all of the locals talk and hoping to hear some fear in their voices...
«You»: That doesn't help me. Unless YOU'RE the assassin out to get the General.
Stranger: .... You can stop right there. I LIVE here. I know better than to make heads roll in my own backyard.
Stranger: But if ANYONE knows what's going on in Granemor, it's Boog. Now pardon me while I continue to brood.
«You»: Always a pleasure... Stranger.
«You proceed to speak to Boog in his tavern.»
Boog: Good to see ye again, «You»! Can I get ye a drink? A Moglinberry juice or a Drakacinno?
«You»: Hail and well met, Boog. Thank you for the offer, but I'm here on business. I'm looking for someone who doesn't belong in Granemor... Someone of shady character...
«You»: Hmmm... Where's MORGUL?
Boog: Hmf! I don't know! Last time I saw that grim fellow was this mornin'!
Squee: He's upstairs with Thalia.
Boog: He's been up there ALL DAY?
Squee: Yes. He's experiencing a mid-unlife crisis, I believe.
«You»: It's either that or he's planning to assassinate General Herous!
«You proceed upstairs the tavern to confront Morgul.»
Morgul: I have all of this STRESS, y'see, and-- Who's there??
Thalia: Hello, «You»! You're just in time. Mr. Morgul here has been regaling me with tales of his dark and stormy life for... hours.
Morgul: Drat! Can't a necromancer get a little privacy with his beloved around here??
Thalia: You love me, Morgul. I know. But that's a one-way street you're on, I'm afraid.
Morgul: Well, you can't blame a ghoul for trying....
«Morgul exits the scene.»
Thalia: So «You», what can I help you with?
- You've spent a lot of time with Morgul -- Do you think he may be planning, oh, an assassination, perhaps?
Thalia: I have spent FAR TOO MUCH TIME with Morgul, unfortunately. He's like a puppy dog. It's quite pitiful, really.
Thalia: He HAS been here all day, though... If he is indeed an assassin, he is probably the most inefficient assassin of all. But if you are indeed looking for a candidate--
Thalia: I have had a guest staying in one of my other rooms for a few days. Called himself Dorial. A nice, though somewhat detached elf. He would come and go at odd hours of the day.
- Really! THAT sounds a little suspicious to me! Can I talk to him now?
Thalia: He just checked out! Only a few moments before I heard you enter Boog's Tavern downstairs!
Oh no-- He must have heard that someone (me!) was looking for him! He's going to hit his target NOW!!
- Rush back to the tower!
«Outside Herous' Tower, the guards have been severely wounded and knocked out.»
«You»: !!!! Puddingshins and von Schmergenbergen!!! I have to get up to the throne room!!!
«As you proceed up to the throne room, Dorial the assassin enters the room.»
Dorial: ..... I KNOW he was here!! Where'd he disappear to?!?
«General Herous ambushes Dorial and strikes from behind, but is no match for the assassin who disappears into the shadows and continually outsmarts Herous in his attacks until Herous is defeated. You enter the scene.»
«You»: You must be Dorial!
Dorial: In Granemor I am Dorial... elsewhere, I am Tafferling. Or Gerret. Or my personal favorite... In Krovesport, I am Evan Viscerate. Take your pick.
Dorial: Just know that I am here to do a job. And then I'll be gone. So stand back and let me finish him...
«You»: Finish off General Herous?? The man who helped the civilizations of Lore from the mutants and uncreations of No Man's Land? Don't you have any honor?
Dorial: I go where the money takes me. Some assassins may have honor, but only a blade holds weight with me. Now MOVE, or die along with him!!
- Fight the Assassin with General Herous' help! - You obtain General Herous as a guest.
- Fight the Assassin by yourself!
«Regardless of choice» 1 BATTLE
Level 0-30: Assassin (15)
Level 30-50: Assassin (35)
Level 51-70: Assassin (55)
Level 71-90: Assassin (75)
Level 91+: Assassin (95)
Full Heal
«You»: You held your own, General!
General Herous: Were it not for YOU, I would likely not have made it, friend.
General Herous: My daughter Maurinelle will be most happy to be released from her heavily guarded quarters now that the threat of the assassin is gone!
General Herous: There will ALWAYS be assassins, of course. Krovesport is home to all kinds of rogues, thieves, and worse: the assassin. So long as Wallo and Shii don't get hired by the warlord Kragoth.
General Herous: Two of the most deadly and skilled assassins to have ever lived. They sided with us against the horror of No Man's Land, however, so they wouldn't likely take payment from Kragoth.
«You»: You heard what Dorial said. Money is all that matters...
General Herous: To most assassins. But Wallo and Shii are not merely assassins-- they are legends.
«You»: Now, General, you've made me curious...
The Decapitator (L. 10)
The Decapitator (L. 35)
The Decapitator (L. 75)
Forgotten Sneak Suit
Discarded Sneak Suit Z
Discarded Sneak Suit
- Play again!
- Guardian Tower!
- Visit Wallo and Shii!
- Leave