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For the monster, see: Fenris
Yulgar's Inn » The Devourer Saga » Part 1: Prologue » 12: Fenris
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The Devourer Saga
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As much as it pains me to give you a compliment, I have to say, good fighting!! That dire wolf didn't stand a chance. Let's collect our rewards and get out of this rotten hole!!

Fenris, also known as Epic Quest 12, is the twelfth quest in the Devourer Saga. It requires level 24.


[This quest was revised with updated battle tiers in October 2020. The following information may not reflect current gameplay.]

Your mission to get a Light Orb from the desert was a success. Now you must journey to Mount Eigerbuld and await Sage Uldor, so that he can continue the search for the elusive Shadow Master....

«You»: It's taking forever to go from the desert back to Mount Eigerbuld! But I'm getting close finally... just have to get through this forest.
«You»: Luckily it seems a lot of monsters have decided not to bother me on this trip!

See List #1 below

«You»: I hate it when I speak too soon....
???: I am sure that what he said was "3 days by horseback and 9 hours on foot, south-by-southwest"!
???: You definitely need to have a wizard check your hearing! You may need a spellcasting to remove the mountain of wax that must be between your ears!
???: Well what do YOU think the old man said?? Maybe if you touched the ground once in a while you would be able to remember some quest information yourself!
«You»: Whoa! I wonder what could be going on up ahead!
Mercuria: Oh please... for a highly trained Knight, you have proven to be rather useless...
Sir Tathlin: You cannot base my abilities on one battle alone! How could I have known the Reaper and Trigoras were looking to gang up on some adventurers?!
Mercuria: If it wasn't for ME--
«You»: Excuse me!! I couldn't help but overhear your-- strategic planning session. Maybe you could use some help, or a, um, mediator??
Mercuria: I'd prefer NO help, thank you very much.
Sir Tathlin: Okay, calm down Mercuria. Maybe our new friend here is right. We're on this quest together; we need to cooperate.
Mercuria: I can probably finish this quest by myself anyway....
«You»: Just what is this quest anyway, if I can ask?
Sir Tathlin: We came upon an old hermit living just north of here named Vumitt, who told us the legend of Fenris Hole.
Mercuria: Apparently one of the trees in this sparse forest is the entrance to a deep pit that leads down to a place where a giant dire wolf called Fenris was imprisoned 800 years ago.
«You»: A wolf can't be THAT bad...
Sir Tathlin: He's level 100, at least. Very powerful. According to Vumitt, every time you go down the stairs in this hole you face tougher monsters, until you reach Fenris.
Sir Tathlin: I don't know if you're strong enough or not to get down that far, but we could use your help anyway. You can always come back up to the surface.
«You»: Well, let me think about it for a bit.

  • Go with Mercuria
  • Go with Sir Tathlin
  • Go by yourself
  • Turn down the quest

Mercuria: Okay, let's do this! We need to find the tree that holds the entrance to this underworld first. Search any tree you see!

Click on any of the trees in your sight

Mercuria: You MUST be joking.... You found it that easily??

You descend into the depths. After each battle, you can continue to go down or return to the surface.

«If you return to the surface or turn down the quest»
Sir Tathlin: I'm sorry to hear that, we could have used the help. Well good luck on the rest of your journey!
«You»: Thanks-- I'll need a little luck on my side!

See List #2 below
See List #3 below
See List #4 below
See List #5 below
See List #6 below
Full Heal
See List #7 below

Sir Tathlin: Well, you made it down this far with us! It looks like there is a prize to be collected now.

You then enter a shop where you can purchase Fenris Ripper

Sir Tathlin: The high-level prizes will surely appear once we defeat Fenris himself-- 9 more levels to defeat. You can keep going or go back to the top.

See List #8 below
See List #9 below
See List #10 below
See List #11 below
See List #12 below
See List #13 below
See List #14 below
See List #15 below
1 BATTLE: Fenris (100)

Mercuria: As much as it pains me to give you a compliment, I have to say, good fighting!! That dire wolf didn't stand a chance. Let's collect our rewards and get out of this rotten hole!!

You then enter a shop and can purchase Fenris Gasher

Mercuria: Now let's get out of this place!! Too dark and cold for my liking...
Sir Tathlin: Good luck on the rest of your journey!
«You»: Thanks-- I'll need a little luck on my side!


First half[]

Second half[]


Fenris Ripper
Fenris Gasher


External links[]
