Level: | 61 |
XP: | 590 |
Gold: | 280 |
Element: | Wind |
Power: | Power Needed |
HP: | HP Needed |
MP: | MP Needed |
Combat Defence | |
Melee: | 50 |
Ranged: | 40 |
Magic: | 45 |
Attributes | |
Strength: | 90 |
Dexterity: | 140 |
Intellect: | 0 |
Endurance: | 70 |
Charisma: | 0 |
Luck: | 0 |
Element Modifier | |
Fire: | 92% |
Water: | 102% |
Wind: | 62% |
Ice: | 102% |
Earth: | 112% |
Energy: | 92% |
Light: | 72% |
Darkness: | 92% |
Description | |
Wyverns are creatures of legend...but aren't they all? Smaller cousins of dragons, they fill a more bird-like niche in the dragon heirarchy, and are more susceptible to outside influences. Fax0r is renowned as the authority on these creatures. |
Great Wyvern