Level: | 150 |
XP: | 856,738 |
Gold: | 285,495 |
Element: | Fire |
Power: | 1.25 |
HP: | 2,910 |
MP: | 2,240 |
Combat Defence | |
Melee: | 61 |
Ranged: | 61 |
Magic: | 61 |
Attributes | |
Strength: | 275 |
Dexterity: | 200 |
Intellect: | 275 |
Endurance: | 0 |
Charisma: | 0 |
Luck: | 0 |
Element Modifier | |
Fire: | 65% |
Water: | 105% |
Wind: | 105% |
Ice: | 120% |
Earth: | 75% |
Energy: | 75% |
Light: | 90% |
Darkness: | 90% |
Description | |
This Dracomancer is an even more dangerous fighter in his half-dragon form! |
- Once it runs out of MP, its attack will element seek between Fire and Light.
- Deals extra damage if you can be identified as Dragon/Dragonkin/Drakel this includes the Dracopyre subrace.*
- If it has at least 642 MP, it can spend that for an Energy spell, for increased damage.
* - The Dragosector glows with anti-draconic power!