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In the Aftermath of Chaos
The Devourer Saga, Chaos
Battles between heals
The Devourer Saga
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War of the Clans! Worlds in Peril

 In the Aftermath of Chaos is the fifty-seventh quest in the Devourer Saga. It requires level 55.


Following the Clan War, the Servant of The'Galin reveals himself to Diviara and Galrick.

  • Go!

Diviara returns to relay the knowledge he has gained about Omega...

Scene: Near the Necromancer Fortress

Diviara lands near where Galrick is waiting

Galrick: Diviara! About time you arrived. Where have you been?
Diviara: Allow me a moment to catch my breath.
Galrick: When you didn't arrive back here as scheduled Falerin was in a flutter.
Diviara: Where is he now? And what of the others?
Galrick: He went with Nel somewhere, and then said he sent Nel with a message to Caelestia briefly before he started his new efforts.
Diviara: But where is he NOW?
Galrick: He mentioned Paxia. What did you learn? Why were you delayed?
Diviara: Omega’s presence on Lore is definite. I was waylaid by a strange storm but arrived as soon as I could. I overheard Omega conversing with a necromancer.
Diviara: I had to fly before I heard much else and then the storm drove me to ground. Even this distance took over a week to travel.
Galrick: That must have been quite a storm. *sigh* Almost as great as the storm in my heart when the Huntr

Servant of The'Galin appears

Servant of The’Galin: Isn't this interesting? Two traitors in conversation together.
Diviara: When did Lore get the displeasure of your unfortunate arrival, Ryuusei?
Servant of The’Galin: You shall not bait me, Celegra. I am sure we shall have time to rehash old grudges soon enough...but I have much work to do. I have taken over your abandoned generalship.

A Brilhado necromancer enters

Necromancer: You have arrived Lord. Why are you still with these traitors? Shall I use the Cold on them?
Ryuusei Cartwright: Don't be idiotic. Diviara would turn it on you with a flick of the wrist. He practically invented it. Even the Tytoa have nothing on him.
Diviara: I am glad to see you are not totally stupid, Twain, even if you are a pompous...
Ryuusei Cartwright: NEVER CALL ME BY THAT NAME. I am no blood of that Terran scum.
Necromancer: He is baiting you, Lord. We cannot touch him. Shall I send message to Ojo about the victory of Unity on Paxia?
Ryuusei Cartwright: No, send nothing. Get me the information I requested about Battleonia.
Necromancer: But Lord, our orders are to seek evidence of the signs of redem-- *ugh* So COLD—so very cold...please Lord, do not use this on me...
Ryuusei Cartwright: You will do as commanded exactly. Get me the information.
Necromancer: Yes, Lord.

The necromancer leaves

Ryuusei Cartwright: I do suggest you leave, Diviara...and take the boy with you. Run back to Caelestian and hide before the monsters come.
Diviara: ......
Ryuusei Cartwright: Oh and Galrick, I look forward to continuing the transformation I started when I had you in my control on Terra. Until we meet again.
Galrick: .......

Ryuusei disappears
