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Legend of Frostval: Part 1
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N/A Legend of Frostval: Part 2
The celebration of Frostvale is in great danger because of the greed of the terrible ice dragon Froidrog stole all of the presents!

The Legend of Frostvale was the first part of Frostval 2003 and a war against Ice Dragoness, Froidrog.


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Zubat: Thank goodness you are here! The celebration of Frostvale is in great danger because of the greed of the terrible ice dragon Froidrog stole all of the presents! We must battle her minions to get all the presents back!

  • Froidrog?

Zubat: Froidrog is a powerful ice dragon, who has stolen all the powerful hand-crafted gifts that us Moglins make each year for all of the adventurers in the world. We woked hard making these items for you and the other adventurers all year long!

  • Heal me!

Zubat: All healed! Now lets go get the gifts back from that evil dragon!

Demento: It was easy to follow Froidog's trail back to her frozen lair. But getting through her army of ice minions will take everyone's help! Let my pet cinderwolf Charr help you! Fighting alongside you will be an honor...

You get the pet cinderwolf.

  • To battle!

Froidrog the ice dragon, remains perched upon her ice mountain home, commanding her army to block your path. Along with the help of the other Adventurers, you must fight your way to her. The bar to the left shows how many of Froidrog's forces remain. There are thousands of players on their way to join you in this battle!

You go into battle on Ice Dragon Rider.

Once 500,000 monsters were defeated...

You have defeated Froidrog's army Now it is time to go inside her lair.

«You»: Whew-- I almost thought we were in trouble there for a minute. These must be all of the moglin gifts! Uh-oh. I hear SOMETHING BIG approaching--
Froidrog: Human!!! What is with your meddling kind? ... always meddling in the affairs of greater beings? It is because of YOU that my ancient race of dragons may one day become extinct!
«You»: My fellow adventurers and I have ever initiated an attack with a Dragon. We have only slain evil dragons who try to burn down our villages and eat our friends. I am here to recover these stolen presents from you.
Froidrog: Bah! The only reason you want the weapons and armor in these giftboxes is to slay Dragons! I cannot let you have them! I am going to gobble you and your friends up like a bowl of frosted flakes!

1 BATTLE: Froidrog the Ice Dragon

Froidrog: *pant* *wheeze* You... have beaten me... so go on... do it... slay me human.
«You»: Froidrog, you are wrong about humans. The dragon wars were fought to protect the world from evil, not slay dragons. These items are a gift from the Moglins, because they know we will use them to protect the world.
«You»: I am not here to slay you... I am here to recover the gifts and save the Frostvale Celebration. But...
Froidrog: I... I... always thought humans just wanted to kill dragons. Perhaps Dragons and Humans can live together in peace...
«You»: But... even with all the presents we are too late. The Frostvale Celebration will end soon and there is no way we can deliver all these gifts before their magical power dissipates.
Froidrog: *ice tear* I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused human... please let me make it up to you and the Moglins. We can still deliver all the presents in time... I can fly you there on my back!

You have defeated Froidrog and enlisted her help in delivering the Moglin's precious gifts to the Adventurers of Lore! Hurry! There is little time left!
While you and your fellow Adventurers were away fighting this battle, several malicious enemies have taken advantage of your absence!



  • This war was released in December 18, 2003.

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