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For the monster see Mysterious Necromancer (Monster)

Mysterious Necromancer
Race: Unknown
Gender: None
Affiliation: Order of the Mantle
Appears in: The Devourer Saga / The Bizarre Flecks Saga
Location: Unknown

Mysterious Necromancer is not one person as everyone in the Order of the Mantle is hidden behind the same robes and has the title of Mysterious Necromancer. They wear the same robes as the Mysterious Stranger, for unknown reasons.


A Mysterious Necromancer had constantly caused turmoil in Lore. First it invaded Battleon with an army of his undead minions but was foiled. Later he brought Drakath the Darkness Dragon back from the dead during the Dragon War. He also brought Stragath back to life. He then tried to bring Akriloth back from the dead but the Chosen tricked him into leaving. Diviara was one, but after the war on Deren he abandoned the position.


  1. Doc Sawbones!
  2. Frostval in July!
  3. The Dragon War
  4. The Darkness Orb
  5. The Hall of Memories: Tangled Web of Fate
  6. Time Scrolls: The Dragon War - Finale
  7. AQ's 10th Anniversary: Act 4 - Carnax Attacks!