The Network of Vesperian Agents, most commonly referred to as N.O.V.A., is an organization that is primarily active on Terra and that has never gone to Lore in and of itself, though its members have.
Little is known of N.O.V.A.'s intentions, ranks, technology and members, manly due to the fact that it underwent several changes over its history and because known sources are unreliable, imprecise, biased, or all three.
N.O.V.A. was funded by Matthew Twain and his son, Ryuusei Cartwright (who, at the time, went by his adoptive name, Robert Twain).
Eventually, the organization economically grew enough to acquire or buy a building that would become its headquarters, described as a "crystal tower soaring into the heavens".
At some point, Atlas Maxwell met, fought, and joined them.
Eventually, Cartwright killed his father, who was sick at the time, and became its head for some time. He also forced Galrick into joining N.O.V.A. against his will[1].
It is known to have a CEO.
Known Members[]
- Matthew Twain
- Ryuusei Cartwright
- Agent Smith
- Lisa Runde Smith
- Atlas Maxwell
- Galrick
- Daniel Stoneforge
- It is actually from this organization that the practice of calling The'Galin's followers "The Network" likely originated, according to Falerin Ardendor.