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For the monster of the same name, see: Necromancer (monster)
The forces of Light gather strength with each passing day... The Light threatens to destroy what it needs in order to exist... The Masters of Darkness and the Undead. Also known as -- Necromancers!
Necromancer Class Introduction

Necromancer is a powerful dark wizard who can use necromancy to summon and control the undead.

Necromancer is a class found at Obsidia's Lair. A Tier 3 Class, it requires the player to be Level 30 or more, but also Level 5 Wizard, a level 5 Beastmaster and Level 10 Mage. Kaley Obsidia is the class trainer.

Necromancer feature in the game prominently. Other well-known Necromancers besides Obsidia are the Moglins Zorbak and Kabroz, Frigidere and the Brilhado, a demon race who has had a necromantic tradition for millennia. Amongst them, many a skilled necromancer arose, like Diviara Celegra and his son, Amilara.

According to Artix von Krieger, a Necromancer's territory rarely, if ever, crosses into another's. (Into Fangmaw) For centuries, Necromancers and Paladin have been at odds--a conflict that led to the Edge of Extinction war. (???)


Besides the armor, Necromancer have other exclusive equipment: the Necromancer Cloak and the Guardian-only Obsidian Cloak.

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Necromancer's Skills

A Necromancer's skills.

Undead Giant[]

Level 1. Call forth an Undead Giant that to inflict over 5 times the damage single devastating attack at the cost of receiving no stat bonus!

Hits: 1
Attack Type: Converts to Melee
Damage: 540% Base, 540% Random
Stats: No
BTH: +20%
MP Cost: 30

Resistance Bonus[]

Level 2. Increased elemental resistance!

Necro Heal![]

Level 3. Sacrifice 10 percent of your total HP to regain 10% of your total MP.

Effect: Lose 10% of your maximum HP, but get 10% of your maximum MP back

Death Dog![]

Level 4. Summon your familiar creature, a ferocious Death Dog. With each level you can summon a different version of the Death Dog.
MP Cost: 80

You have the choice of Death Dog, Tail, Spines, Horns, Wings, and Doom Wolf. Each one includes the part from the previous one. Doom Wolf has burning red eyes and is bigger.

Skull Swarm![]

Level 5. Summon a swarm of flying skulls to assail your enemy with a double-hit ranged darkness attack!

Hits: 2 Attack Type: Converts to Ranged
Element: Converts to Darkness
Damage: 300% Base, 200% Random, 100% Stats per hit
BTH: +20%, +20%
MP Cost: 60

Zombie Hands![]

Level 6 - Guardian Only. Zombie hands strike you enemy from the ground, dealing 5 hits and restoring 10% of your total HP (for 10% MP) at the same time!

Hits: 5 Attack Type: Converts to Magic
Element: Converts to Darkness
Damage: 50% Base, 25% Random, 100% Stats per hit
BTH: +5%, +5%, +5%, +5%, +5%
MP Cost: 30

Effect: For each hit that connects and deals damage, you exchange 2% of your maximum MP to heal 2% of your maximum HP, up to a total of 10% HP healed.


Level 7 - Guardian Only. Strike terror into your opponent and reduce all of their defenses-- ranged, melee, and magic!

Hits: 1
Attack Type: Converts to Magic
Element: Converts to Darkness
Damage: 0% Base, 0% Random, 100% Stats
BTH: +1000%
Effect: Reduces the monster's Combat Defences by 3 each.
MP Cost: 60

Defense Bonus[]

Level 8 - Guardian Only. Increased defense!

Undead Mutant![]

Level 9 - Guardian Only. Summon a savage undead mutant to deal five melee attack each of which do up to twice the damage of a normal attack at the cost of receiving no stat bonuses!
MP Cost: 125

Hits: 5
Attack Type: Converts to Melee
Element: Same as your weapon.
Damage: 200% Base, 200% Random per hit
Stats: No
BTH: +30%, +30%, +30%, +30%, +30%
MP Cost: 125

Become a Lich![]

Level 10 - Guardian Only. You now have a chance to become a powerful Lich when you die-- an undead master of other undead! Increased power and several attacks.
MP Cost: 0
Effect: When you die, if the effect is fully charged, you can choose to become a Lich. This does not let you continue your current battle.


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Class Quests
Characters The Chosen - Artix - Shii - Wallo - Blackhawke - Cenara - Cyrus - Elizabeth - Eselgee - Galanoth - Jackel Sano - Kaley Obsidia - Cerin - Herous - Tathlin - Tyranna - Boog - Dadric - Drayson - Akai - O-Ebi-Sama - Nel - Valencia - Edward - Vephoma - Warlic
Quests Tier 1: Fighter Class - Mage Class - Rogue Class - Scholar Class
Tier 2: Beastmaster Class - Berserker Class - Dragonslayer Class - Knight Class - Martial Artist Class - Ninja Class - Pirate Class - Shadowslayers & Nighthunters - Wizard Class
Tier 3: Assassin Class - Necromancer Class - Paladin Class
No tier: Dracomancer Class - VampireSlayer Class
Locations Universe: Lore
Lore: Battleonia (Battleon - Lolosia) - Middle Isles (Paxia)
Lore Races: ???
Terms: Fighter - Mage - Rogue - Scholar - Beastmaster - Berserker - Dragonslayer - Knight - Martial Artist - Ninja - Pirate - Nighthunter/Shadowslayer - Wizard - Assassin - Necromancer - Paladin - Dracomancer - VampireSlayer
Demicanon N/A
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