AdventureQuest Wiki
AdventureQuest Wiki

Orcs are one of the most common creatures in lore. Large and stupid, orcs are aggressive creatures with limited knowledge but have a thirst for battle and bloodshed.

Orcs are primitive beings belived to be an offset of humanity but their true origins are unknown. Orcs themselves record little of their history living in primitive tribes or in wandering groups. Indeed, orc society is dominated by violence; whoever is strongest rules. Another interesting thing about orcs is their recent rise in activity. For most of orc history they were content with raiding and looting small bands or tribes, but recently Orc chiefs or Warleaders have been more focused in their attacks and some have even gone far enough to create small kingdoms. Whether this is just a phase or orcs are really coming together has yet to be seen.

In the links below are some of the most common orcs that are encountered, but rare ones sometime appear or are added in special quests.

Orc Archer, Orc Bandit, Orc Blaster, Orc Footsoldier, Orc General, Orc Gladiator, Orc Horde, Orc Mage, Orc Swordsman, Orc Warlord, and Orc Wizard.
