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The Devourer Saga, Chaos
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The Devourer Saga
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A new power of the Devourer? Legacy of Xilar

 Revelations is the fiftieth entry in the Devourer Saga. It requires level 51.


The being known as the Mysterious Necromancer has reappeared. Falerin and others gather in Deren to discuss that and more about the effects of the Devourer on Lore...

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«Scene: Falerin, Galrick and Diviara meet near K'eld Ner»

Falerin: You are aware that the mantle is being worn by another, then...
Diviara: I am unsurprised.
Galrick: You seem pretty calm.
Diviara: The station has always been both dynamic and contested. I was neither the first, nor will my successor be the last.
Galrick: Do you know who your successor IS, then?
Diviara: No. That's the point, isn't it? You never did know. You never CAN know.
Falerin: Thus the word "mysterious". I gather from evidence that there were times when there were more than one at once.
Diviara: Ha. Very good, Loremaster. Very clever.
Falerin: I will take that in the kind manner you surely intended.
Diviara: At any rate, it does not matter. I have moved on.
Falerin: Yet not from everything... Ah, here comes Celestra and Garavin.

The Huntress and The Eternal appear

The Eternal: Celestra and I have finished the analysis you requested.
Falerin: Very good, Garavin. Were the results as I expected?
The Huntress: It is clear that there are ties to Terra.
Galrick: Are you single?
The Huntress: What was that?
Galrick: *gulp* I said, 'Aryoo Zingle'. Um, that's a friend of mine from Terra.
The Huntress: Oh, okay.
Falerin: AHEM. I myself have learned something with the help of Myr... a lesson learned at considerable personal cost.
The Eternal: You have taken injury for the cause, then?
Falerin: I will survive. There are things that warrant it, and this was once such thing.
The Huntress: What have you learned?
Falerin: The manifestation cannot happen if the being is already hosting something else.
The Eternal: So the Avatars are safe.
Falerin: There is some oddity to the subject, given Diviara's information within the Network...
The Huntress: Let's hear it.
Diviara: It would appear for that two annunaki could in rare cases occupy a single host...or even that one annunaki could split into two.
Falerin: I know of at least two separate indicators that support that.
Galrick: Which two?
Falerin: That is not important. One was voluntary and by nature; the other rather not so.
The Eternal: Why should two annunaki be able to bind to a single host, but not one annunaki and the Manifestation?
Falerin: The same reason that when an annunaki leaves a host, it eventually dies.
The Huntress: Forsaken.
Galrick: What is the reason?
Falerin: The annunaki does not bind with the body.
Galrick: What?
Diviara: It binds with the soul, Galrick. It binds directly with the soul.
