Level: | 30 |
Power Level: | 70 |
Location: | Cenara's ShadowSlayer shop |
Price: | 426 Gold |
Sellback: | 213 Gold |
Lean: | Standard |
Element: | Earth |
Combat Defence | |
Melee: | 29 |
Ranged: | 25 |
Magic: | 29 |
Element Modifier | |
Fire: | 96% |
Water: | 90% |
Wind: | 96% |
Ice: | 90% |
Earth: | 81% |
Energy: | 90% |
Light: | 85% |
Darkness: | 81% |
Description | |
Train with Cenara to learn how to combat the things that go bump in the night! Get this armor if you want to fight vampires and werewolves with skills like Slayer's Strike, Shadow Secrets, and Hallowed Grenade! | |
Attack 1 | |
Damage: | [round(100 + 3*PowerLevel)/2]% Base and Random, plus [round(100 + 6.6*PowerLevel)/2]% Stats each |
Attack Type: | «As Weapon» |
BTH: | +floor(PowerLevel/8) each, plus Stats |
Hits: | 2 |
Rate: | 100% |
Element: | «As Weapon» |
Attack 2 | |
Attack 3 | |
Attack 4 | |
Skills | |
A Shadowslayer is a person...
Gameplay-wise, a Shadowslayer is a Tier 2 Class that requires Rogue and Scholar Level 10 and encompasses one armor. Its trainer is Cenara, a Dracopyre from Darkovia, who has sworn to protect the forest from the Shadow known as Erebus.
- All of your combat defences increase by round(-1/6 + ClassLevel*2/3).
- Your Fire and Wind resistances decrease by round(0.2 + 0.6*ClassLevel).
- Your Water, Ice and Energy resistances decrease by round((-0.6 + 12.8*ClassLevel + 2.64*ClassLevel^2 - 0.224*ClassLevel^3)/21)
- Your Light resistance decreases by round((0.6 + 6.8*ClassLevel + 4.08*ClassLevel^2 - 0.224*ClassLevel^3)/21)
- Your Earth and Darkness resistances decrease by round((0.1 + 7.9*ClassLevel + 1.52*ClassLevel^2 - 0.112*ClassLevel^3)/7)
This affects normal armor attacks and all the armor skills, unless specifically stated otherwise. This does not affect any weapon Specials or spells not from the armor.
- Against dracopyres (were+vampire+dragon), you deal *1.2 damage.
- Against werepyres (vampire+were), dracovamps (vampire+dragon or *vampire+dragonkin), and weredragons (were+dragon or were+dragonkin), you deal *1.15 damage.
- Against werewolves and vampires, you deal *1.1 damage.
- Against mummies, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, and (werecreatures other than werewolves, like as werebats or werehares), you deal *1.05 damage.
- Against anything else, you deal *0.9 damage.
- A "standard skill" uses the stats (damage/BTH/etc) of your weapon. Apply all weapon triggers and effects, unless it says otherwise. Your weapon special can occur, unless it says otherwise. It uses the following stats:
Base/Random: 2*round(100 + 3*SkillPowerLevel) %
Stats: 2*round(100 + 6.6*SkillPowerLevel) %
BTH: +floor(PowerLevel/8) plus Stats
Note: Stat bonus to damage and BTH is the same as if you're doing a normal player attack. However, extra damage from Lucky Strikes is halved (so that you're using LUK/4 instead of LUK/2).
Note2: If you're wielding a Magic weapon, then the skill deals *4/3 damage. However, on Lucky Strikes, the extra LUK damage is multiplied by *3/4 (so that you use a total of +LUK*3/16 damage instead of +LUK/4).
- A "standard spell" calculates its own damage/BTH/etc. Don't apply any weapon triggers nor effects. Your weapon special can't occur. It uses the following stats:
Base: 0.00375*SkillPowerLevel^2 + 0.5625*SkillPowerLevel + 5.25 damage, rounded normally Rand: 0.0075*SkillPowerLevel^2 + 1.125*SkillPowerLevel + 10.5 damage, rounded normally Stats: (100 + 6.6*SkillPowerLevel) %, rounded normally to the nearest %. BTH: floor(SkillPowerLevel/4) Note: Stat bonuses are STR/4 damage and STR/16 + DEX/16 BTH (for Melee) or STR/5 + DEX/10 damage and DEX/8 BTH (for Ranged) or INT/4 damage and INT/16 + DEX/16 BTH (for Magic).
- The standard skill SP cost is round((38.1 + 2.3375*SkillPowerLevel+0.01125*SkillPowerLevel^2)*0.75).
Title Ability - Evilproof Aura! (Passive)[]
If your Class Title is "ShadowSlayer", your Statuses affect enemies of your class more easily!
Gives you the Shadow Potence status, with a potence equal to your class level.
Level 1 - Slayer's Strike (Toggle)[]
Your ShadowSlayer training has taught you to strike with more power!
This affects your normal attack.
- If you're wielding a Melee or Ranged weapon, then your normal attacks deal *1.25 damage, but you pay 20% of the standard skill SP cost per turn.
- If you're wielding a Magic weapon, then your normal attacks deal *5/3 damage, but you pay 40% of the standard skill SP cost per turn.
Regardless of the boost, you do not increase the extra damage from LUK that you get from Lucky Strikes. (Effectively, instead of LUK/2, you use LUK/2.5 [Melee/Ranged] or LUK*3/10 [Magic] to determine the extra damage.)
For both of these, you use your Power Level to calculate the costs, instead of your Skill Power Level. Also, this disables any Type-switching effects on your weapon.
This also has various effects on your other skills. In general, while this is on, your skills do *1.25 damage for +28% of the standard skill SP cost per turn. See the individual skills for details.
Level 2 - Healing Light! (Active) Guardian[]
Call upon the Light that opposes your enemies to heal yourself!
This is a healing spell. It deals 76.5% the healing of a standard spell, and automatically hits. This is not affected by the armor trigger.
Stat bonus to damage is END/4. Stat bonus to BTH doesn't really matter since it auto-hits.
Level 3 - Slayer's Secrets (Passive)[]
Your training with Cenara has taught you to kill your enemy before they kill you! You always attack with extra power.
The following abilities deal *1.125 damage:
- Your normal attack
- Throw Weapon
- Silver Bullet Express
- Hallowed Grenade
This does not increase the extra LUK damage dealt by Lucky Strikes.
Level 4 - Throw Weapon (Active) Guardian[]
Select the weapon appropriate for your enemy for an extra effect!
This is a standard skill.
Normally, it deals 85.5% damage. Against the appropriate trigger monster, it deals 74.5% damage, and has an additional effect.
For the additional effect, the save is always at a -10 penalty:
Level: SkillPowerLevel vs MonsterLevel
Major: [Virtual Stat] vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
This costs *0.8*1.05 of a standard skill (if you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon) or *1.05 of a standard skill (if you're wielding a Magic weapon). Regardless of your weapon's type, it gains the elemental compensation to SP cost as if you were attacking with a Light attack.
If Slayer's Strike is on, then the skill does *1.25 damage, but you pay an additional +28% of a standard skill. Any extra LUK damage from Lucky Strikes is divided by 1.25.
Silver Knife[]
The silver in this knife is perfect against werecreatures!
Against werecreatures, this deals Fire damage. Against anything else, it deals Earth damage.
Against werecreatures, if the attack connects, then the monster can become Poisoned (Fire element, power: 1, 10 rounds).
Ash Stake[]
This stake is made of ash, a wood that works well against vampires!
Against vampires, this deals Light damage. Against anything else, it deals Earth damage.
Against vampires, if the attack connects, then the monster can become Dazed (4 rounds, 21% chance of not acting).
Light Hatchet[]
This hatchet has a blessing from the Light Lord that makes it sovereign against skeletons and zombies!
This deals Light damage to everything.
Against skeletons and zombies, if the attack connects, then the monster can become Blind. The blindness gives -15 BTH, and lasts for either 3 rounds (20% chance), 4 rounds (25% chance), 5 rounds (25% chance), 6 rounds (20% chance), or 7 rounds (10% chance).
Blessed Water[]
This water is especially blessed to lay mummies and ghosts to rest!
Against mummies and ghosts, this deals Light damage. Against anything else, it deals Water damage.
Against mummies and ghosts, if the attack connects, then the monster can become Burnt (Light element, power: 2, 5 rounds).
Level 5 - Summon Huntragon (Active)[]
Level 6 - Mantle of Light (Active) Guardian[]
Cover yourself in a mantle of Light that will harm your enemies if they hit you for several rounds! {The Mantle is not active. / X returned attacks are left}
This takes 1 turn, and costs the standard SP cost. For everything in this, you use your Power Level instead of your Skill Power Level.
While the mantle is on, at the beginning of your turn, if the monster hit you at least once during your last turn, then the monster takes damage. The damage is based on a standard spell, but:
Hits: 1 Type: (Melee if your STR > INT; Magic otherwise) Element: (Seeks between Light and Fire on any trigger monsters; Light otherwise) Damage: *0.17*(101 + [# of turns since you cast this])/100, plus elemental compensation as if it were Light BTH: N/A (auto-hits) Note: This is not treated as a spell. It is treated as an "other".
You can inflict damage to the monster in this way a maximum of five times. After that, the mantle turns off.
The Mantle also turns off when you end the battle.
Level 7 - Combat Training (Passive)[]
You have learned to recover SP after defeating an enemy of the ShadowSlayer Order!
At the end of the battle, if you were fighting a trigger monster, then you heal SP equal to (standard SP cost)*(# of turns you spent in the armour)/10. This uses your Power Level, not your Skill Power Level.
Level 8 - Silver Bullet Express (Active) Guardian[]
This Big Gun fires blessed silver rounds which can cause your Order's enemies to Bleed!
This is a standard skill. It deals 86.5% damage.
It costs the standard SP cost (if you're wielding a Magic weapon) or 80% of the standard SP (if you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon). Against any trigger monster, it seeks between Fire and Light, and gets compensation to SP as if it were Light. Against anything else, it deals Earth damage and gets compensation to SP as if it were Earth.
There are four hits. For each hit that connects, the monster makes a save. The save is with a -8 penalty (against trigger monsters) or with a +8 bonus (against other monsters):
Level: SkillPowerLevel vs MonsterLevel
Major: (Virtual Stat) vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
If the monster fails at least one save, then it starts Bleeding. Instead of 0.25, you use 0.08*(# of failed saves).
If Slayer's Strike is on, then the skill does *1.25 damage, but you pay an additional +28% of a standard skill. Any extra LUK damage from Lucky Strikes is divided by 1.25.
Level 9 - Hallowed Grenade (Active)[]
On the count of "three", throw this mighty Hallowed Hand Grenade at your enemy!
This is a standard skill. It does full damage.
It costs the standard SP cost (if you're wielding a Magic weapon) or 80% of the standard SP (if you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon). Against any trigger monster, it seeks between Fire and Light, and gets compensation to SP as if it were Light. Against anything else, it deals Fire damage and gets compensation to SP as if it were Fire.
If Slayer's Strike is on, then the skill does *1.25 damage, but you pay an additional +28% of a standard skill. Any extra LUK damage from Lucky Strikes is divided by 1.25.
Level 10 - Turn Shadow (Active) Guardian[]
Paralyzes enemies of your Order! Consumes Mantle of Light for extra damage and to destroy weak enemies!
This is a standard skill.
It costs the standard SP cost. Against any trigger monster, it seeks between Fire and Light. Against anything else, it deals Light damage. If your STR is greater than your INT, then this deals Ranged damage; otherwise, it deals Magic damage. The attack is three hits.
If the monster is a trigger monster, then it there's a (# of hits that connected)/3 chance of it possibly Paralysing the monster for one round. The monster makes a save at a +20 bonus:
Level: ScaledPowerLevel vs MonsterLevel
Major: (Virtual Stat) vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
If you have Mantle of Light active, then this turns it off. Instead of this doing 100% damage, you deal (100 + 20*(# of Mantle charges remaining)*(101 + [# of turns since you cast Mantle])/100 - [# of Mantle charges remaining]/16 ) % damage.
If Mantle is on and (the difference between your Skill Power Level and the monster's level) is greater than 10+(Monster Power)*10, then there's a (# of Mantle charges remaining)*20% chance of instant-killing the monster.
Against a __ Monster, your SkillPowerLevel needs to be __ Levels Higher to Insta-Kill It
Mook 15 Normal 20 Champ 23 Elite 25 Boss 30 C-Boss 35 E-Boss 40 CEB 48
ClasLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PowLvl 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70
Combat Defences[]
ClasLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Melee 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 36 Ranged 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 32 Magic 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 36
ClasLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fire 96 95 95 94 93 93 92 92 91 90 90 Water 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 83 82 82 Wind 96 95 95 94 93 93 92 92 91 90 90 Ice 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 83 82 82 Earth 81 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 65 64 Energy 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 83 82 82 Light 85 84 84 83 81 80 78 77 75 74 73 Dark 81 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 65 64
Normal Attack[]
Numbers are per hit.
ClasLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 95 101 107 113 119 125 131 137 143 149 155 Stat% 149 162 175.5 188.5 202 215 228 241.5 254.5 268 281 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
Slayer's Strike[]
ClasLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SP Cost Mel/Ran 18 20 21 23 25 27 30 32 34 36 39 Magic 36 39 43 47 51 55 59 64 68 72 77
Healing Light[]
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Healing 20-59 22-66 24-73 27-81 30-90 33-99 36-107 38-115 42-125 45-135 48-144 Stat% 228 248 269 288 309 329 349 369 389 410 430 SP 89 98 107 117 127 137 148 159 170 181 193
Throw Weapon[]
For the compensation, this assumes that your (unscaled) Class Level is 10. If it isn't, then the skills might cost more. This doesn't include the boosts from Slayer's Strike nor Slayer's Secrets.
Melee - Untriggered
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 324.9 345.42 365.94 386.46 406.98 427.5 448.02 468.54 489.06 509.58 530.1 Stat% 509.58 554.04 600.21 644.67 690.84 735.3 779.76 825.93 870.39 916.56 961.02 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
Melee - Triggered
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 283.1 300.98 318.86 336.74 354.62 372.5 390.38 408.26 426.14 444.02 461.9 Stat% 444.02 482.76 522.99 561.73 601.96 640.7 679.44 719.67 758.41 798.64 837.38 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
Magic - Untriggered
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 433.2 460.56 487.92 515.28 542.64 570 597.36 624.72 652.08 679.44 706.8 Stat% 679.44 738.72 800.28 859.56 921.12 980.4 1039.68 1101.24 1160.52 1222.08 1281.36 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
Magic - Triggered
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 377.47 401.31 425.15 448.99 472.83 496.67 520.51 544.35 568.19 592.03 615.87 Stat% 592.03 643.68 697.32 748.97 802.61 854.27 905.92 959.56 1011.21 1064.85 1116.51 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
SP Cost:
With Slayer's Strike off:
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mel/Ran 71 78 85 93 101 109 118 126 135 144 153 Magic 88 97 106 116 126 136 147 158 169 180 192
With Slayer's Strike on:
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mel/Ran 96 105 115 126 137 147 159 171 183 195 208 Magic 113 125 136 149 162 175 189 203 217 231 246
Save: SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SkilPLv 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 VirStat 75 85 90 100 110 120 125 135 145 150 160
Mantle of Light[]
ClasLvl 6 7 8 9 10
Dmg 8-24 9-27 10-29 10-31 11-34 Stat% 80 85 89 95 102
Combat Training[]
ClasLvl 7 8 9 10 SP/Turn 15.9 17 18.1 19.3
Silver Bullet Express[]
For the compensation, this assumes that your class level is 10. If it isn't, then the skills might cost more. This doesn't include the boosts from Slayer's Strike nor Shadow Secrets.
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BR% 328.7 349.46 370.22 390.98 411.74 432.5 453.26 474.02 494.78 515.54 536.3 Stat% 515.54 560.52 607.23 652.21 698.92 743.9 788.88 835.59 880.57 927.28 972.26 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
SP Cost:
While wielding a Melee or Ranged weapon:
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trig 67 74 81 89 96 104 112 120 129 137 146 Untrig 39 43 46 51 55 59 64 69 74 79 84
While wielding a Magic weapon: SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trig 84 93 101 111 120 130 140 151 161 171 183 Untrig 48 53 58 63 69 74 80 86 92 98 105
SP cost increase when Slayer's Strike is on: SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SP +25 +27 +30 +33 +36 +38 +41 +45 +48 +51 +54
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SkilPLv 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 VirStat 75 85 90 100 110 120 125 135 145 150 160
Hallowed Grenade[]
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
BR% 380 404 428 452 476 500 524 548 572 596 620 Stat% 596 648 702 754 808 860 912 966 1018 1072 1124 BTH 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
SP Cost:
With Slayer's Strike off:
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trig 84 93 101 111 120 130 140 151 161 171 183 Untrig 52 58 63 69 75 81 87 94 100 107 114
With Slayer's Strike On:
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trig 109 120 131 144 156 168 181 196 209 222 237 Untrig 77 85 93 102 111 119 128 139 148 158 168
Turn Shadow[]
SkilLvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dmg 26-77 29-86 32-96 35-106 39-117 43-129 47-140 50-151 55-164 59-176 63-189 Stat% 298 324 351 377 404 430 456 483 509 536 562 BTH 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SP 89 98 107 117 127 137 148 159 170 181 193
- ClassLevel is your class level. You increase this by completing class quests.
- PowerLevel is your power level. It is equal to 30 + 4*ClassLevel
- SkillLevel is your scaled skill level. You select it from the skill menu. This determines how powerful your skills are.
- SkillPowerLevel is equal to 30 + 4*SkillLevel.
- If you trained through Donovan, then your ClassLevel is set to 0. To access the abilities of this class, you need to train through Cenara.