The Creation Saga: Volume III is a book housed in The Temple of Hope. It is accessed by clicking on the bookmark on the bottommost visible shelf behind Nel.
At the beginning of both sections:
Fall of the Races and the Fate of the Elemental Orbs
As recorded by Falerin Ardendor the Caelestian, Lorekeeper
Recorded based on the Library at the Drakel K'eld Alorin on Vandar and additional research by the LoreMaster.
Part I[]
After their assault on the Temple of Light, the Brilhado decided to take out the other flying creatures which they deemed as a threat to them. First they targeted the airborne Githari and wind Dragons. The dragons already fought among themselves and the Githari* for supremacy over the skies. This only allowed the Brilhado's plan to work faster. The Brilhado descended from the skies and slaughtered many Githari and their young, destroying their nests and Aeries. The survivors sought refuge among the Land Dwellers but fearing that the Githari would bring the Brilhado's attention to them they were refused aid.
Now, there were certain powerful objects held by the temples which represented the power of the gods encased in mortal form. These pieces were considered primal remnants from when the elements were newly encased in enchanted gemstones, cut by the elemental lords themselves into spheres. These gems were known as the Elemental Orbs, and while many lesser orbs were created to emulate their power, none rivaled the power of the original greater orbs.
Fearing for the end of their species the Githari stole the Wind Orb from the temple where it was guarded by the Air Dragons. The Dragons were wise and stopped the Githari before they could escape and a great battle ensued that all but exterminated the remaining Githari. Thinking that the wind orb would weaken the Brilhado the Githari shattered it into pieces. The spot where this occurred became a great dusty wasteland where the wind is said to fervently blow to this day**.
The Fire Dragons immediately took precautions to ensure that they will not fall like the Wind Dragons. They took the Fire Orb*** and retreated into the mountains. They shunned the skies and only flew to hunt for food. The rest of the Dragon-kind followed their fire-breathing cousins and this very action most likely saved the Dragon race.
Xilar spoke once again after a long period of silence and spoke of elemental supremacy. To the peoples he spoke long of the heavenly war and that it was a war to be fought there.
"We must sunder the Brilhado and determine forever what the master element will be."
The Amilani became unwitting aids to The'Galin. They wished to aid their Forest Brethren Drakels as they fear that The'Galin will eventually set his eyes upon them. The Amilani Brought with them their religion, which is worshipping the Water Lord, and influenced many Drakels. Other Drakel mages then turn towards other Elemental Lords.
* Editor's note: A race of sentient Giant Birds of Prey related to Eagles. They were exterminated entirely in the war that followed.
Edit 2/15/07: A race of sentient Giant Birds of Prey related to Eagles. They appear to have been exterminated entirely in the war that followed. However some evidence in recent years suggests that a very slight population may have survived. Evidence supported not least of which by the leader of the Clan of Air on Paxia who is from all appearance a Githari.
** Editor's note: Skraeling possibly? A few other locations come to mind. The location will undoubtedly be a harsh climate.
*** Editor's note: The Fire Orb remained in the hands of the Fire Dragons until Akriloth's time when it was destroyed during the Fire War at Smoke Mountain. The Energy Orb has not been seen since this time and is likely would be in the hands of Energy Dragons to this day, possibly at Dwarfhold or another similar Energy outpost.
Part II[]
By now, the Kruath'ri were leery of Xilar and suspected that he was an agent of another force. Most Kruath'ri rejected this idea of elemental supremacy and their Council ruled that only when the elements worked together could the Uncreator be defeated. Some of the Amilani* took to it. They, being water creatures, believed that all Creation depended on water. It was not obvious that energy or cold or heat was needed for survival but water was undeniable. Seeing this, the Drakel council agreed that only when the elements work together will the Brilhado be defeated. They then began to plan an assault against the Brilhado. The Kruath'ri cast the Amilani out of their society, who returned to the depths and bred with the elves from which cam the Water Elves.
The Kruath'ri mages had decided that none must focus solely on one element as the Uncreator had encouraged it. However, many were born and raised to be loyal to their element and among those, many were Water Casters. Discussions were made and the Water Casters finally agreed to leave the K'eld to live outside the walled cities. The Drakel combined their powers and set to drive the undead out. Many were killed and few survived. To their dismay, creatures such as the Kresh joined the Undead willingly, and became clear that they were outnumbered.
They could not gather the magical artifacts they needed, not only from their people but also from races older in the magic than them. From the dead Githari, from the Dragons, from the Hills and Forests and at last they discovered from the powers themselves. Scattered throughout this creation items of extreme power that were given as gifts by the powers when the world was very young and the gods yet walked on it directly. Finally, determined to drive away the Brilhado once and for all, the Drakel gathered at the "Hills of Blood" as they called it. All of the races fought, Dragon, Moglin, Amilani, Silari, and even possibly some few remaining Githari who managed to survive. Reports after the campaign were varied. The mages gathered together and opened a portal to another land. They drove the Brilhado and Undead into the portal and sealed it. The Dragons helped with the assault but many were slain by a darkness dragon that had the Shadow Orb** in his possession.
Edit 2/15/07: Thereupon the Drakel returned to their cities, so that the seeds they had planted in the other races could grow to fruition, knowing that the keys to future survival lay in those other races growing and developing unfettered. This is apparently the origin of the Drakel Xenophobia, although it has never been as complete as it has appeared to the masses. Always the Drakel have had a subtle influence and sent their representatives to the rest of the world.
Creation suffered great casualties. Land plagued with undeath were never cleansed. The Drakel retreated to their domed cities and shut themselves out from the outside world. Only those exiled were able to leave the K'eld. 2500 years*** since the fall of Brilhado, the Drakel finally opened their doors and began their search once more. For the past fifty years, they saw the wars waged among humans and creatures which suggested that the Devourer has once more returned. The dark legend renewed, and the Cycle of Creation turns. . .
* Editor's note: A race of Drakel native to the Waters. Some Drakel races refer to the Amilani in legendary terms as if they were Giant Fish but this view is from all evidence allegorical. They built their cities under the oceans. Some of them are claimed as holy places by the Aquatic Elves today. Like the Silari, they were absorbed into the modern Drakel; the original race is extinct. The Amilani took the Orb of Water, but it was lost at Sea during a later war. Some evidence suggests that the Aquatic Elves may know something of its location.
** Editor's note: There is some evidence that Drakath had this Orb in his possession at one time. If this is the case it is likely now in the hands of the Necromancer who raised him as the Undead.
*** Editor's note: This date is odd. Other records indicate 1000 years. However the time frame of Xilar's original activity is not clear. 2500 years may in fact be recorded from the Date of The'Galin's arrival whereas 1000 is from the date of his egress.
Notes about the two remaining Elemental Orbs
Notes from Drakel research indicates that Lucian of clan Lucius at one point had information on the whereabouts of the Light Orb. The Ice Orb is believed to have been in the hands of one of the Guardian Towers, which was subsequently destroyed. A likely possibility given the backstory of the original Guardian towers. It seems questionable that the Guardian Towers ever owned all of them. However they may have been built with plans to retrieve them already in mind.
- The note about the "two remaining" Orbs is incorrect: the Earth Orb is not addressed at any point in the story.