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The Darkness Orb
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The Devourer Saga
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The Darkness Orb is the twenty-eighth quest in the Devourer Saga and the third of the Elemental Orb quests. Level 41 is required to access it.


You meet Artix, Vampire Slayer "E", the Were-King, and Safiria outside Darkovia

«You»: Whoa! What are all of you doing here? I've come to find the prime Darkness Orb.
Artix: We all know about your quest. Warlic told me, I told E, and E suggested we contact Queen Safiria and the Were-King.
E: Though I feel a bit uncomfortable being so close to these two, and not doing my job.
Safiria: Do you mean to say 'trying' to do your job, VampireSlayer? This is no more pleasant for me, having to cooperate with this mangy mutt yet again.
Were-King: You can call off our truce whenever you like, you slimy undead. But don't forget that Nightbane's half-dragon vampires and werewolves still plague both of our kingdoms.
«You»: I only need to know where the Orb of Darkness might be.
Safiria: I knew this time would come... I have lived many centuries and enjoyed hearing the myths about the Devourer as passed from generation to generation of the living.
Safiria: It makes sense, you know-- getting all of the prime elemental orbs in one place. Apart, they have caused much trouble-- everyone fighting over them. But together--
Safiria: Who may say what power they can give us? There is one individual who now possesses the Darkness Orb, and your instincts were correct.
Safiria: He is here, in Darkovia.
«You»: Well, who is it?
Safiria: THAT I do not know. For the information I have did not come to me in the form of language. It is from my familiars... creatures of darkness ill-equipped to speak.
Safiria: I only see in shadows what they see. But in those shadows, I see a figure. And the power of the Orb is easy to see. He is one man, and he has the orb.
Safiria: There are four paths which can take us to him. Each of us may be able to help you more on one of those paths. Choose which of us will come with you, and we will go find the Orb.

  • Join Artix *
  • Join E **
  • Join the Were-King ***
  • Join Safiria ****
  • Continue without help

*Artix encourages you to go to the Paladin Order and train as a Paladin!
**E encourages you to go visit him in Darkovia later and train as a Vampire Slayer!
***The Were-King encourages you to visit the Werewolf Lair in Darkovia later to join his legions!
****Queen Safiria encourages you to visit her castle in Darkovia later to join her minions!

The choice of guest will decide what path you take. Otherwise, you can select:

  • Path of the Werewolves
  • Path of the Vampires
  • The Middle Path
  • Path of the Undead

Path of the Undead has twelve battle, all others have eleven. You are fully healed after each battle. After completing your path, the Mysterious Necromancer enters

Necromancer: My, my... someone has found me. You need not tell me why you are here-- I already know. But let me ask you a few questions to see if you are worthy of taking THIS from me:

  • The Darkness Orb floats out

Necromancer: First, tell me the name of the dragon that I reanimated at the end of the last Great Dragon War.

  • Answer

Necromancer: It was Drakath who I made Undead. Now, tell me what set of weapons are my favorite... hehehe.

  • Answer
  • Flower Weapons!
  • Sludge Weapons!
  • Doom weapons!

Necromancer: Ahh yes... the Doom Weapons. I remember them fondly. Treasures, all.
Necromancer: Now, lastly, please tell me-- Do you want me to destroy you?

  • Answer
  • Yes!
  • No!

Necromancer: Very well, then-- hehehe. Did you actually think I would allow you to just walk up on me and TAKE my prime Orb of Darkness???

If you have not trained the Necromancer Class:
Necromancer: It is too bad you are not a Necromancer-- I may have been persuaded to let you live!

  • Fight

If you have trained the Necromancer Class:
Necromancer: Because you are a fellow Necromancer, I think I will destroy you as quickly as possible. It won't be a painless death though...

  • Fight!

Level 0-29: Necromancer (25)
Level 30-59: Mysterious Necromancer (50)
Level 60-74: Mysterious Necromancer (75)
Level 75-99: Mysterious Necromancer (100)
Level 100+: Mysterious Necromancer (125)

«You»: I never thought I'd get past the Mysterious Necromancer's words, let alone fighting him! Whew, that guy can talk! Now to take this orb back to the Temple! 3 down... 5 to go!

  • Win!

You click on the Darkness Orb to get it

  • Play Again
  • Leave


Path of the Werewolves/Join Safiria[]

Level 0-9[]

Dracowolf (6)
Werewolf Warrior (5)

Level 10-39[]

Alpha Dracowolf (33)
Alpha Werewolf (30)
Dracowolf (6)
Dracowolf (22)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (20)

Level 40-75[]

Alpha Dracowolf (33)
Alpha Werewolf (60)
Alpha Werewolf (30)
Dracowolf (22)
Dracowolf (6)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (50)
Werewolf Warrior (20)
Werewolf Warrior (5)

Level 76-84[]

Alpha Dracowolf (66)
Alpha Dracowolf (33)
Alpha Werewolf (60)
Alpha Werewolf (30)
Dracowolf (55)
Dracowolf (22)
Dracowolf (6)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (50)
Werewolf Warrior (20)
Werewolf Warrior (5)

Level 85+[]

Alpha Dracowolf (33)
Alpha Dracowolf (66)
Alpha Dracowolf (66)
Alpha Dracowolf (99)
Alpha Werewolf (30)
Alpha Werewolf (60)
Alpha Werewolf (60)
Alpha Werewolf (90)
Dracowolf (6)
Dracowolf (22)
Dracowolf (55)
Dracowolf (55)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (5)
Werewolf Warrior (20)
Werewolf Warrior (50)
Werewolf Warrior (50)

Path of the Vampires/Join the Were-King[]

Level 0-9[]

Dracovamp (6)
Vamp (10)
Vampire Warrior (5)

Level 10-39[]

Dracovamp (6)
Dracovamp (22)
Dracovamp Lord (33)
Dracovampiress (11)
Vamp (10)
Vampire Lord (30)
Vampire Warrior (5)
Vampire Warrior (5)

Level 40-75[]

Dracovamp (55)
Dracovamp Lord (66)
Dracovampiress (44)
Elder Vampire (60)
Vampire Lord (60)
Vampire Warrior (5)
Vampire Warrior (50)
Vampire Warrior (50)

Level 76-84[]

Dracovamp (55)
Dracovamp Lord (66)
Dracovampiress (44)
Elder Vampire (60)
Elder Vampire (80)
Vamp (80)
Vamp Adept (80)
Vampire Lord (90)
Vampire Warrior (5)
Vampire Warrior (50)
Vampire Warrior (50)

Level 85+[]

Dracovamp (55)
Dracovamp Lord (66)
Dracovampiress (44)
Dracovampiress (88)
Elder Vampire (60)
Elder Vampire (80)
Elder Vampire (80)
Vamp (80)
Vamp Adept (80)
Vampire Lord (90)
Vampire Lord (90)
Vampire Lord (90)
Vampire Warrior (5)
Vampire Warrior (50)
Vampire Warrior (50)

The Middle Path/Join E[]

Combines the vampire and werewolf encounter lists

Path of the Undead/Join Artix[]

Level 0-9[]

Undead Archer (5)
Undead Knight (1)
Undead Paladin (6)
Undead Soldier (5)
Undead Troll (5)

Level 10-39[]

Drakath the Undead Dragon (30)
Ghost (20)
Mummicane (36)
Skull Swarm (30)
Undead Commander (31)
Undead Freak (25)
Undead Frog (20)
Undead Giant (35)
Undead King (25)
Undead Mage (14)
Undead Moglin Knight (15)
Undead Paladin (35)
Undead Paladin (23)
Undead Paladin (15)
Undead Ribber (25)
Undead Skull Knight (35)
Undead Skuller (38)
Undead SpellSword (15)
Undead Wounded (13)
Wun-Dead (15)

Level 40-75[]

Croaker (50)
Death Knight (66)
Drakath (70)
Drakath the Undead Dragon (65)
Ghost (53)
Ghoul (54)
Giant Mummy (65)
Immaterial Banshee (63)
Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
Skull Swarm (50)
Sprat (50)
Undead Basher (58)
Undead Berserker (56)
Undead Frog (40)
Undead Giant Moglin (62)
Undead Horse (68)
Undead Mage (45)
Undead Moglin Demon (58)
Undead Ninja (50)
Undead Paladin (65)
Undead Paladin (50)
Undead Paladin (42)
Undead Ribber (50)
Undead Skull Ape (60)
Undead Skull Ape (40)
Undead Terror (50)
Undead War Party (50)
Undead Warlord (63)
Undead Wolf Master (61)
Veteran Wun-Dead (65)

Level 76-84[]

Death Knight (66)
Dracolich Rider (75)
Drakath (70)
Drakath the Undead Dragon (65)
Drowned Angry BURP (77)
Drowned Angry Rat (52)
Fatalis (Undead) (76)
Ghost (53)
Ghoul (54)
Giant Mummy (65)
Immaterial Banshee (63)
Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
Undead Basher (58)
Undead Berserker (56)
Undead Giant Moglin (62)
Undead Horse (68)
Undead Moglin Demon (58)
Undead Paladin (75)
Undead Paladin (65)
Undead Paladin (50)
Undead Skull Ape (60)
Undead Warlord (63)
Undead Wolf Master (61)
Veteran Wun-Dead (65)

Level 85+[]

Death Knight (66)
Dracolich Rider (75)
Drakath (70)
Drakath the Undead Dragon (100)
Drakath the Undead Dragon (65)
Drowned Angry BURP (77)
Drowned Angry Rat (52)
Fatalis (Undead) (76)
Giant Mummy (65)
Immaterial Banshee (63)
Klubber, the Undead Dude (117)
Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
Undead Giant Moglin (62)
Undead Horse (68)
Undead Paladin (85)
Undead Paladin (75)
Undead Paladin (65)
Undead Skull Ape (90)
Undead Warlord (63)
Undead Wolf Master (61)
Veteran Wun-Dead (65)


  • Your answers to the questions do not actually alter the dialogue in any way.