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The Manifestation
The Devourer Saga
Battles between heals
The Devourer Saga
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The Rise of Omega The Final Battle

The Manifestation is the seventy-second quest in the Devourer Saga and the second part of the finale. It requires level 68.


«You»: What have you DONE! What have you DONE to Galrick?!?
Ryuusei: I would love to spend this time chatting. However I do have more pressing engagements on Deren. I will however offer you this final offer.
Ryuusei: Serve him. Join my master. Be on the winning side. You know this will not end well.

Alignment Choice!

  • I will fight The'Galin with every breath left in my body! (Increases Unity Alignment)
  • You are no true servant of The'Galin nor anyone but yourself Cartwright. Even if I were to accept him I could never accept you.(Increases Unity Alignment)
  • I would serve The'Galin by joining you, master. (Increases Chaos Alignment)
  • I would avoid The'Galin by seeking shelter. (Increases Chaos Alignment)
  • Skip Choice (No change to Alignment)

Ryuusei: Well, you have chosen. Now, you have battles to fight and so have I!

  • War!

« Ryuusei vanishes » 

The Manifestation


War camp

The Devourer The`Galin has returned to Lore after a thousand years feasting on the elemental forces of hundreds of other worlds. The Devourer's plans to divide the beings of Lore has been failing, and even many of his followers in his Network have been changing sides. And so Ryuusei Cartwright, one of the Devourer's loyal believers in his mission of destruction, will do whatever it takes to complete the plan as it was intended... After racing to stop Ryuusei's forces from reaching The Temple of Hope, Galrick confronted him. But Ryuusei's power was too great, and Galrick has died at his hand!

  • To Battle!
  • Back to Town

Twilly: Oh no's!! There are so scary monsters out here today!!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.

  • Heal me please
Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!
  • Let me handle this!

Vince the Drakel is the mechanical engineer for Isle d'Oriens. His special weaponry will help a lot!
Artix Krieger is a Paladin. He fights for the side of good and unity!
The Huntress has been tracking the Devourer's movements for centuries.
Diviara, a brave Brilhado warrior, once general of the Devourer's forces, has changed sides!
Robina Hood is lending us her ranger skills in the battle against the Devourer!
You must become a Guardian to test the Shiny Boy power armor!

  • To Battle!

Who will you go into battle with?

  • Artix Krieger
  • The Huntress
  • Diviara
  • Robina (Wind Version)
  • Vince
  • Twilly (Old Version)
  • By yourself
  • Battle for Unity!
  • Battle for Division!
  • Return to Camp

Optional full heal after the second battle

After 200,000 monsters were defeated...

«Scene: Cor Dem Gate. Ryuusei's horde of monsters pass through the Cor Dem Gate to the Temple of Hope. Ryuusei enters.»

Ryuusei: Hahaha! See if you can stop the rest of my armies from entering the Cor Dem Gate and reaching the Temple of Hope!

Ryuusei enters the Cor Dem Gate

Optional full heal after the second battle

After 540,000 Monsters were defeated...

«Scene: You, standing in front of the Cor-Dem Gate»

Diviara flies in

«You»: Diviara, we seem to have defeated all of Ryuusei's forces on this side of the gate!!!
Diviara: Friend, your enthusiasm is welcome but unfortunately-- unfounded. Some of the Network escaped through the gate, as well as Ryuusei himself.
Diviara: This battle is not nearly won...
«You»: Then let's not waste a second of time-- THROUGH THE GATE!!

You and Diviara enter the gate. You are teleported to outside the Temple of Hope.

Full heal after every other battle

Alignment Path!
Depending on your Chaos or Unity alignment, you will experience a different reply from Ryuusei!

Ryuusei: Pathetic. Worthless. You have failed me already. They still come to stop me.

«You»: --- Master?
Ryuusei: You must PAY for your failure. Agent Smith.......... DEAL WITH THIS PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A SERVANT.

Agent Smith: Yeah, baby.

Ryuusei: He is a failure and so are you. So are your people. Fighting always. Warring. You shall be obliterated by the Master too. Like him you will fail.

«You»: Not before I make you pay for what you did to Galrick-- to everyone!!
Ryuusei: Your posturing is amusing. Let us see you get through to me first! Agent Smith......... DEAL WITH THIS PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A 'HERO'.

Agent Smith: Yeah, baby.

Level 0-19: Agent Smith (20)
Level 20-34: Agent Smith (35)
Level 35-49: Agent Smith (50)
Level 50-64: Agent Smith (65)
Level 65-84: Agent Smith (85)
Level 85+: Agent Smith (100)
Full Heal

Agent Smith: I think I'll need to send my suit to the dry-cleaners.....
Agent Smith: If I was unrestricted, I'm sure I could deal with this one, Ryuusei-baby--
Ryuusei: No-- I think not. You HAD your chance!

  • Battle Ryuusei
Level 0-19: Ryuusei Cartwright (25)
Level 20-34: Ryuusei Cartwright (40)
Level 35-49: Ryuusei Cartwright (55)
Level 50-64: Ryuusei Cartwright (70)
Level 65-84: Ryuusei Cartwright (90)
Level 85+: Ryuusei Cartwright (105)
Full heal afterwards, then continue the dialogue
  • Attempt to reason with Ryuusei

Ryuusei: An interesting display to be sure. You of course cannot stand against my true power. I am tired of you.

Ryuusei casts the Cold on you

«You»: What is this cold... this cold is so much worse than before... I am a failure.... I stand no...chance.
Diviara: You are assaulting them with the full Cold in front of me? Have you gone mad?!??

Amilara flies in

Amilara: You! You are the one who ordered my mother killed! To unseat my father and claim his position.
Diviara: Amilara-- son--
Ryuusei: Save your tears, Celegra! Your mother like all of your family was a traitor.
Amilara: My uncle's death you only mourned as a military mistake. You planned to use me against my father. You let me hate him for years!
Ryuusei: Boo hoo... a tiny violin plays soft music for the wounded Brilhado's pride.
Amilara: And you threatened and chased my friends and hunted them down killing them in large numbers.
Diviara: This is foolishness, Amilara. Leave this to me--
Ryuusei: Undead are fit only for enslavement or destruction Brilhado! You sought to free them? To befriend them? Please....
Amilara: You... You....Now you turn the Cold on others against the orders of The`Galin and you call me a traitor.
Diviara: Amilara, please go. WE will deal with Cartwright.
Amilara: No, I think not, Father. I will not be shuffled off this time.
Ryuusei: This is tiresome.
Amilara: I HATE YOU!!
Ryuusei: My heart bleeds for you!
Amilara: Maybe it should...

Amilara punches Ryuusei in the face. Ryuusei attacks with his cane, but Amilara's wing blocks and he lands another punch. Ryuusei then attempts to cast the Cold on Amilara.

Amilara: Oh no you don't. You cannot manipulate me with the Cold, Cartwright. I am my father's son.

Amilara flings an energy bolt at Ryuusei. Ryuusei reels from the blow and collapses to his knees.

Ryuusei: Who would have thought it would have been you?
«You»: Wait, what? What happened I feel so odd, so worthless.
Amilara: Here--

Amilara uses the Cold on you

«You»: So cold again but...You're right! The fight must continue. You got Cartwright!
Ryuusei: Injured and downtrodden, I make my offer, master....
«You»: Is he talking to-- oh no!

Scene zooms in to Ryuusei, who looks up into the sky

Ryuusei: Freely I am yours. Freely.

The red moon opens his eyes. In a flash of red light, Ryuusei is now obscured in shadows, with the same red eyes as the moon.

Ryuusei: You fools. I am--
«You»: Oh no-- Omega!!
The'Galin: The name is actually-- The'Galin.

Scene zooms in to Amilara

Amilara: Oh no-- What have I done?!?

Amilara flies away

Diviara: Amilara!!

Diviara flies after him

«You»: No!!
The'Galin: The Fall and the End are at hand.

Nightbane lands

Nightbane: You die here!!!
The'Galin: How unfortunate. It comes to this already.

Nightbane and The'Galin lunge at each other. The'Galin smacks Nightbane, only to be slashed and then impaled on Nightbane's wing. A beam of yellow light fires from The'Galin's hand and hits Nightbane, which transforms him back into Balius

Nightbane: No! This cannot... What is happening to me--?!
The'Galin: You are dying Nightbane. At long last you are passing. You have lived your life as a parasite and served your unlife even more so.You were worthy of .nothing save uncreation.
The'Galin: You even attempted to kill your own son to advance your power. I however have seen all things and known you for what you are. So now instead of being uncreated you die.
Nightbane: This-- cannot be. Cenara---......I...

Balius collapses

The'Galin: Ah. I made the right choice. She will know what you did. You will be remembered, in the end you reclaimed your honor. Sleep Nightbane. For you the end has come.

Alignment Path!
Depending on your Chaos or Unity alignment, you will experience a different scene!

«You»: What shall I do, master? Why do your people attack me? I am your servant!

The'Galin: You are a treacherous dog. You will earn the fruits of your treachery. You are the epitome of deceit and evil, a pathetic being. Your loss makes the world a better place.

The'Galin: I shall happily provide the instrument of that destruction.

«You»: The`Galin! Why? Why do this! You are hurting the goddess you love!

The'Galin: A mother will never turn on her children. Even as her children try to kill her and rob her blind. A mother will never do what's right, because it is not in a mother's nature.
The'Galin: This hateful world of division needs to be cleansed. I shall be its cleanser. Now stand aside as I destroy this Temple.

Falerin appears

The'Galin: Caelestian! You dare not interfere directly with me!
Falerin: Directly-- No, indeed not.
«You»: But Falerin--
Falerin: Delay Omega. We need more time.
«You»: DELAY HIM?!? He just killed NIGHTBANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Falerin: To be sure, The`Galin, a father comes not to reprove but to reform.
The'Galin: Indeed....
The'Galin: We have kept our promise to yourself and to Galrick, Falerin.

Falerin: I am already aware of that.

Next: The Final Battle!

  • Replay
  • Return to Town


Level 0-11[]

Brain Spider Nymph (8)
Brilhado Mage (8)
Brilhado Necromancer (8)
Brilhado Ranger (8)
Brilhado Warrior (8)
Broadkil Bone-Drone (6)
Doc Sawbones (60)
Exodus Warrior (5) [Without Pet]
Malzar (10)
Protean (5)
Undead Soldier (5)

Level 12-20[]

Brain Spider Nymph (15)
Brain Spider Nymph (8)
Brilhado Brawler (15)
Brilhado Mage (8)
Brilhado Necromancer (8)
Brilhado Ranger (8)
Fusian (10)
Malzar (10)
Predecessor (12)
Protus Symbiote (15)
Tytoa (10)
Undead Braken (20)
Undead Mage (14)

Level 21-37[]

Bone Knight (25)
Brain Spider Imago (28)
Brilhado Necromancer (8)
Brilhado Necromancer (30)
Brilhado Warrior (8)
Broadkil Cydaver (21)
Doc Sawbones (20)
Exodus Warrior (25) [With Pet]
Nurse Botoxia (25)
Protean (20)
Protus Symbiote (30)
Skkree (30)
Skull Swarm (30)

Level 38-54[]

Brain Spider Imago (28)
Brilhado Necromancer (30)
Brilhado Ranger (8)
Broadkil Corpsomaton (38)
Exodus Commander (40)
Jumping Brain Spider (48)
Nurse Botoxia (25)
Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
Protean (40)
Protus Symbiote (30)
Skkree (30)
Skull Swarm (30)
Undead Mage (45)
Undead Skull Ape (40)

Level 55-64[]

Brilhado Necromancer (60)
Brilhado Warrior (60)
Broadkil Cadaborg (56)
Fusian (60)
Giant Mummy (65)
Jumping Brain Spider (48)
Malzar (60)
Nurse Botoxia (50)
Pile o' Bones (Undead) (50)
Predecessor (60)
Protus Symbiote (50)
Soul Banisher (60)
Tytoa (60)
Undead Mage (45)

Level 65-81[]

Brilhado Necromancer (60)
Brilhado Warrior (60)
Broadkil Carcassdroid (71)
Death Knight (66)
Giant Mummy (65)
Malzar (70)
Nurse Botoxia (70)
Protean (60)
Protus Symbiote (75)
Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
Soul Banisher (60)
Tarantula Brain Spider (68)
Tytoa (60)

Level 82-94[]

Black Widow Brain Spider (88)
Brilhado Necromancer (100)
Broadkil Necrobot (87)
Demios (88)
Giant Mummy (65)
Malzar (70)
Nurse Botoxia (90)
Predecessor (100)
Protus Symbiote (75)
Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
Soul Banisher (100)
Undead Braken (100)

Level 95+[]

Banshee Messenger (111)
Black Widow Brain Spider (88)
Brilhado Brawler (110)
Brilhado Necromancer (100)
Broadkil Necrobot (87)
Demios (108)
Demios (88)
Ebil Cupid (100)
Giant Mummy (65)
Klubber, the Undead Dude (117)
Malzar (70)
Necropolis Fiend (100)
Night Horror (112)
Nurse Botoxia (90)
Predecessor (100)
Protus Symbiote (75)
Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
Soul Banisher (100)
Soul Banisher (130)
Undead Braken (100)
Undead Dragon Mutant (92)
Undead Fansarin (92)
Wolf Brain Spider (98)


House Items[]

Nightbane's Last Stand
Nightraider (8)
Nightraider (35)
Nightraider (65)
Nightraider Z


Ring of the Twilight Copse
Ring of the Shaded Grove
Ring of the Dark Wood


Nightbane's Howl
Nightbane's Piercing Howl
Nightbane's Harrowing Howl
Nightbane's Soulchilling Howl
Nightbane's Redemption
Nightbane's Salvation
Nightbane's Purification
Nightbane's Apotheosis
