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"Your majesty, he seems to have suffered considerable short- and long-term memory loss due to the shock his system received. The long-term losses are likely reversible and, in fact, may unravel themselves given time, but the short-term memory is less fixed and may never return. He does not know there is a war with Vandar, no less how it came to be he was injured outside the School. I have spoken with him about half a dozen times since he awoke, and though his presence here of late suggests he is either a spy or trying to hide as a refugee, it seems that he has known Deren for a long time. He is a spice trader, and through inquiries I have been able to track several of his contracts and, with pressure, was able to reveal that he managed to keep the flow of the precious commodities open even with the harbor closed. Some reported that he often met with another man, and on those occasions he was rarely seen to have goods. This suggests reason for concern. Yet his presence remains a mystery. At the moment to Jano as much as to us."
"We must do whatever is in our power to restore his memories, Tralin," the king said. "What he knows has to..."
Draynor stopped as he noticed a page waving frantically in the doorway. He was both slightly annoyed and considerably concerned that his request for private council with the prince was being violated.
"I beg your pardon, my lord. Have me imprisoned if you disagree with my motives, but first hear me out."
"Go on."
"I bring an urgent message from Lord Delnar and the front line at Neld. Something terrible has happened..."
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