AdventureQuest Wiki
AdventureQuest Wiki
Race: Hybrid (half-Human, half-Demon)
Gender: Male
Affiliation: ArchMagi; Unity
Appears in: Carnax Saga; The Devourer Saga; etc.
Location: Warlic's Magic Shop in Battleon
Magic is the heart of the world of Lore... some of it is pure and good, and some of it has come to be mastered by forces of chaos.
—Warlic, Mage Class

Warlic, also known as "the Blue Mage", is the owner of a Magic Shop in the town of Battleon, and the mentor of Mages-to-be. He is also recognized as one of the greatest wizards in the world of Lore, given the title of Archmage informally.

Warlic loves competition as much as he enjoys unlocking the secrets of the universe, and has a brother, Gnuvain, but doesn't know about it.

Appearance and personality[]

Warlic has the appearance of a young man with long silver hair.

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Born over five thousand years ago (Kragoth's Campaign), Warlic is...

At some point he was mentored by Xarymandias.

Endebted to Xarymandias, he tried to save in the dark tower of Sila.

He built a magic shop in the town of Battleon where he sells various spells and magic weapons and allows you to change your face. He competes in the Wizard Games with other powerful wizards. He is a guest in many quests in Battleon.

In Battle[]

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Powers and abilities[]

Regarded As one of the most powerful magic users of lore,Warlic Possess A Vast Amounts of Knowledge On Various Forms of Magic.

Elemantal Magic Mastery : Warlic Can Summon The Powers of All Elements of Lore, Fact That Caused Him to Be Compared The only being in the world that can match the power of the Elemental Avatars (Dragonfable).

Void Magic Knowledge: Not His Mostly Used Form of Magic,But he was shown having experimented with this branch of magic.

Unstable Mana: Warlic Can Generate More Mana Than Common Mages, At Extreme Levels Sometimes Can Grant Him High Advantages, But is extremely Dangerous For his mind and body and the world if he loses control.

Necromancy; Warlic Once Experienced with Necromancy when he was turned into Warlich.

Infernal Magic: Being Once Member of the Demonic Race (Infernal),Warlic was Experienced with Advanced Dark Magic, Advanced Fire Magic (Dragonfable),And Even Mind Controlled One of The Elemental Avatars.



Seasonal Events

  1. April Fool's ( 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019, 2020 )
  2. Frostval ( 2004: I - II - IV (Mentioned only); 2005: II - IV (Mentioned only) )
  3. Mogloween 2006
  4. Snugglefest ( 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 )
  5. Blarney War 2020

The Devourer Saga

  1. Troll-O-Vision
  2. Huntress, the Hunted!
  3. Battle for the Weapons of Salvation
  4. The Ice Orb
  5. Exodus Attacks
  6. Trouble From Beyond
  7. Beleqwaya's Mission
  8. The Final Battle!

Quests Available through Warlic

  1. Mysterious Enemy (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) (Rare)
  2. Mage Class
  3. Wizard Class
  4. Fading Warlic
  5. Galvawk's Plot!
  6. Dr. Jackel and Mr. Snide!
  7. Spellcrafting
  8. Arena of Fear
  9. Mana Ice
  10. Nemesis: Justice Goes Blind
  11. Solaris!
  12. Meet Memet
  13. King Malinius Returns!
  14. The Transporter!
  15. Warlic's Haunted Shop!
  16. Face of Silence!

The Bizarre Flecks Saga

  1. Part II - Meteor Storm
  2. Part III - Star Blecch!
  3. Part IV - On the Night's Plutonian Shore
  4. Part V - Us vs. Regeirk!

Other Quests/Events

  1. Attack on Drakonnan! (Mentioned only)
  2. The Ultimate Battle (Mentioned only)
  3. Orc Hunt
  4. Mysterious Enemy (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
  5. Introduction Quest
  6. The Prophet Arrives (Mentioned only)
  7. The Prophet's Son (Mentioned only)
  8. Carnax Rises
  9. Spell Scroll Quest
  10. Wizard Games
  1. 2009 Preview! - Fall and Winter
  2. AQ:IQ Welcome to Lore
  3. Ballyhoo: Wizards of Waverly Place
  4. Become... a Dragon?!?
  5. Cysero... Returns?
  6. Bradakhan: Dracomancer Usurper
  7. Into the Void!
  8. Infernal Inferno
  9. Innard Space
  10. K'eld Naer: Drakel Madness
  11. Kragoth's Campaign
  12. Missing Miss Fixit
  13. Mogbusters: Where do Xyfrags come from??
  14. Mystery! AQ Live
  15. The Bloodline!
  16. The Trouble with Trobbles
  17. Time Scrolls: Carnax Saga - Carnax Rises
  18. Visia War
  19. WarLich!
  20. The AntiGuardian
  21. The Terrible 12 War
  22. Ghin vs. Awethur!
  23. Mass Mardar!
  24. Wyvern Rider War!
  25. Looking for Leads: Ku Ku!
  26. The Breaking Point!
  27. The Final Countdown!
  28. Star Blecch 2
  29. Shards of MegSual
  30. Building Truphma II
  31. Building Truphma III
  32. Can Haz Vakayshon?
  33. Rise of the Samurats!
  34. The Future Begins Now: AQ Preview Cutscene
  35. Fortune Trans-PLANT-ed
  36. Barry Jotter!
  37. Children of the Measurer


  • According to Galanoth, he knows how to make very nice quilts.
  • Warlic is one of the most mysterious characters in terms of backstory. Not much is known of it.
  • Warlic is an Infernal, a type of demon that has connections with the elements of darkness and fire. This type of demon can be greatly seen in AQW, where they are fought as main enemies. Warlic is the only one known to have abandoned his nature and chosen a good alignment instead of evil.
  • In all his incarnations, Warlic is always plagued with more mana than usual magic users. In theory it is highly possible that Warlic does not have the magic filter that most beings of Lore possess.

External links[]

Carnax Saga
Characters The Chosen - Aquella* - Anna - Maxwell* - Artix* - Blackhawke - Carnax - Rhubarb* - Danail - Galanoth* - The Reaper - Hollow - Jackel Sano - Jessica - Kragg - Makkisar - Moon Called - Morgan* - Riona* - Robina* - Tathlin - Truffle - Valencia - Warlic* - Yulgar - Zorbak
Quests Drakel Attack - Attack on the Drakel Domed City - The Undead at the Monolith - The Prophet Arrives - The Prophet's Secret - The Prophet's Son - Carnax Rises - The Prophet Returns - Enter the Portal - Spawn of Carnax - Fight for the Future! - The Last Stand
Locations Universe: Lore - Ethereal Realm - Death's Domain
Lore: Battleonia (Battleon - Lolosia - K'eld Naer - The Pit - Stormfallen) - Deren (Talados) - Middle Isles (Stonerule)
Lore Races: ???
Terms: Alpha - Azru Stone - Drakel - Heart of Talados - Portal - Undead
Demicanon N/A
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Dragonspine Saga
Characters The Chosen - Absolix - Akriloth - Artix* - Bradakhan - Carnage - Cyrus* - Death - Demento - Draestis - Draschemus - Erebus - Essrith - Fear Drake - Frigidere - Galanoth* - Galian - Gaspar* - Gnuvain - Gravis - Guardian Dragon - Hollow* - Jalek - Jaraka-Nuth - Kabak - Kelwyn - Kessendra - Lauren - Limkragg - Mayhem - Nava - Panic - Robina* - Ryllik - Sepulchure - Ser'Mathis - Sheila* - Twilly* - Xerxes - Valencia - War - Warlic* - Yulgar - Zephyros - Zero Hex
Quests An Uneasy Peace - Bradakhan's Arrival - The Void Dragons! - The Dragon King Part I/II - Firespawn Part I/II - Vartai Secrets! - Galanoth's Fate! - Dragon Morphs! - The Destroyer: Part 1/2/3 - DragonRiders - Doom Dragons! - Fusion Dragons 1/2 - Guardian Dragon War! - Wyvern Rider War! - Dragon War of Steel - Dragon War Platinum
Locations Universe: Lore - The Void
Lore: Battleonia (Battleon - Dragonstone - Dragonspine Mountains - Magmaheart Island - Medrovia - Mount Fear - Namera Caverns - No Man's Land - Smoke Mountain - Skraeling Desert - War's Altar)
Frozen Northlands - Inilar - Tjeli
Lore Races: Dragon - Drakel - Human - Moglin - Vartai
Terms: Avatar - Deity - Dracomancer - Dragon Blade - Dragonbane - Dragonslayer - Guardian Blade - ...
Demicanon N/A
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Seekrat Saga
Characters The Chosen - Algern - Artix* - Boog* - Dewlok* - Munch - Rhubarb - Doc Sawbones - ElBhe* - Eselgee* - Elizabeth - Fear Drake - Galanoth - Herous* - Barrius* - Metalface - Hybee - Robina* - Stragath - Terrestria - The SeekRat - TubThumper - Twig - Tyranna - Vephoma* - Wandy* - Warlic
Quests Shhh... It's a Seekrat! - A Seekrat Tail - Seekrat's Challenge - Emerge from the Shadow - Shadow War - The Terrible 12 War - Conquest & Cat-Napping** - Cat-Astrophe - A Mysterious Visitor! - The Breaking Point - The Final Countdown - Dangerous Parallels
Locations Universe: Lore - Shadow Universe
Lore: Battleonia (Battleon - Lolosia - Granemor) - Middle Isles (The Veil)
Lore Races: ???
Terms: Shadow - BURP - ...
Demicanon N/A
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Class Quests
Characters The Chosen - Artix - Shii - Wallo - Blackhawke - Cenara - Cyrus - Elizabeth - Eselgee - Galanoth - Jackel Sano - Kaley Obsidia - Cerin - Herous - Tathlin - Tyranna - Boog - Dadric - Drayson - Akai - O-Ebi-Sama - Nel - Valencia - Edward - Vephoma - Warlic
Quests Tier 1: Fighter Class - Mage Class - Rogue Class - Scholar Class
Tier 2: Beastmaster Class - Berserker Class - Dragonslayer Class - Knight Class - Martial Artist Class - Ninja Class - Pirate Class - Shadowslayers & Nighthunters - Wizard Class
Tier 3: Assassin Class - Necromancer Class - Paladin Class
No tier: Dracomancer Class - VampireSlayer Class
Locations Universe: Lore
Lore: Battleonia (Battleon - Lolosia) - Middle Isles (Paxia)
Lore Races: ???
Terms: Fighter - Mage - Rogue - Scholar - Beastmaster - Berserker - Dragonslayer - Knight - Martial Artist - Ninja - Pirate - Nighthunter/Shadowslayer - Wizard - Assassin - Necromancer - Paladin - Dracomancer - VampireSlayer
Demicanon N/A
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